A Lying Witch and a Warden

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Okay we're going to watch the first episode. This should be good. Please leave comments. This is my first fanfiction. 


The scene starts off with a green hair witch running but is stopped by a giant snake.

Gildersnake: Foolish child, I could swallow you whole.

Azura: Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the good witch Azura, warrior of peace. Now eat this, sucker!

Gildersnake: No! My only weakness! Dying!

"That's from a 'The Good Witch Azura' book," Amity squealed hugging her girlfriend.

"Back to the show,"

Scene switches to Luz holding an Azura doll and a snake.

Luz: And that's the end.

Camilia: The end of what?

Luz: My book report. I think I knocked it out of the park.

Principal Hal: Your book report is why you're in here.

Luz turns to se two students being attacked by snakes.

Luz: Oh. That's where the backup snakes were.

"Umm where did you even get snakes?" Darius asked a little concern. Luz just shrugged making those who were in the Emperor's coven a little scared.

Camilia: And what were you going to do with this? (Holding fireworks)

Luz: That was for the act three closer.

"You are a human child version of Eda," Raine signed, the adults who knew the owl lady nodded in agreement.

"Thank you,"both Luz & Eda chorused.

Camilia: Oh. Oh, my baby. Hmm. Now, don't worry. Summer camp is only going to be for three months. You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks and learning to appreciate public radio, the time will fly by.

Luz: But I don't like any of that stuff. I like editing anime clips to music and reading fantasy books with convoluted backstories.

Camilia: Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do you have any friends? Real ones, not imagined or drawn or reptilian? Summer camp is a chance to make some friends, but you have to try. Can you do that?

"At least you gained six friends,"Camila said. Both Hunter and Amity shook their heads.

"Four I'm her girlfriend,"the youngest Blight clarified.

"I'm not her friend," the ex golden guard said bluntly.

"Yet," Luz told him giving him a smile.

Luz: Yes, Mom.

Camilia: Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?

Younger Luz: O happy dagger, give me death! Now for the final anatomically correct touch. Spider breath. You think that's an impressive trick? Take a look at this.

"I don't know which is more dangerous. The Boiling Isles or Luz," mutters King causing everyone to laugh.

Camilia: We all love that you express yourself, but if you can't learn to separate fantasy from reality, you may need to spend the summer here.

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