37* Something Must Kill a Woman

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A lot of people really showed that they've left the heavenly race in the last chapter and Omoh, this is me keeping y'all in my prayers for God to lead you back on the right track 😂🙏

You'll see yourselves again in this chapter 😒 it's not X-rated so don't get unnecessarily excited.

Comment hi if you've missed Wale and Nadia together 😂❤️

And please, if you'd like to join my WhatsApp group, send me a private message either here(on Wattpad) or on IG(_ririwrites), don't demand for the group link in the comment section or on my message boards please. I'll most likely ignore it.

And if you're a ghost reader, please avoid me 🙏

Let's go


"Are you not going to like..." I tilted my head towards her neck, "use something to get rid of those mosquito bites on your neck?"

Dunni paused for a while in front of the bathroom and her hand flew up to slowly massage the hideous bites on her with her lips stretching into an almost coy smile.

From the other side of the room, Tania burst into a maniac laughter that made my heart skip a fearful beat.

"Ha ha ha ha," she pushed herself to a sitting position on the bed and started clapping her hands together like a deranged market woman.

"Ha ha ha, I'm sure Nadia is the only twenty-year-old in this life that doesn't know what those marks are."

My eyes rolled to the back of my head at her overdramaticness.

"Come on," Dunni replied as she took her seat in front of her small vanity, her voice sounding like she was just inches from smiling, "come to think about it, they kinda look like mosquito bites."

"Of course, they do, except they didn't quite feel like mosquito bites, right?"

"Shut up Tania."

"Awww, see your life, fornicating kids."

"Yen yen yen."

I looked from the blushing girl in the mirror to the smiling one on the bed with just one recurring thought in my head.

What are these two?

"We've not even had the time to talk about why you stayed out all night two nights ago and even for the whole of yesterday. Roomie, you came back home around 8 pm yesterday when you left the hostel before 5 pm the day before so tell me, what were you up to?"

Dunni paused in her application of face cream and the blush on her cheeks deepened.

"Well, I was at my boyfriend's," she replied casually and my mouth clamped shut.

Well, what was I expecting?

"Hmm, kaare, is that what they sent you to come and do in CSA? To spend the night and the whole day with a man?"

"Well," she replied casually again and she started to rub the cream languorously on her shoulders, "something must kill a woman."

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