21d* Spin The Bottle

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Omoh, you guys were really angry at David in the last chapter and he might even make you angrier in this chapter but oh well 😪😪

And I wanted to type I hate Peju in the last chapter but I mistakenly typed I hate Dunni. It's a mistake, abeg. I'd never hate Dunni. She's the closest thing to my favorite in this book.


The whole crowd held their breaths as the bottle kept spinning and spinning and it started rolling to a stop with the crowd's eyes intent on it as they all eagerly waited for the next person it was going to land on.

I didn't hold my breath. If anything, I was annoyed because I didn't understand why and what I was doing among these people arranged in a circle with a beer bottle spinning in between us.

But Tania had insisted after she finally remembered that I was also at the party. I wanted us to leave because it was getting quite late and CSA has a strict rule of locking their gates by 11 pm but Tania had insisted that we stay for the last game.

She claimed it was going to be fun and that I was going to have the time of my life just watching them play.

But so far, like 30 minutes into the game, I was still yet to witness anything that seemed like fun. Instead, I've spent the 30 minutes witnessing extremely derogatory and irritating things that I've always thought should be reserved for strip clubs.

I've always known that college parties were always extreme with dirty games and all but I just never thought it could be this extreme.

This derogatory.

"Yaaaaaaahhhh!" The crowd's scream jolted me back to the present and I could see that the bottle had already stopped spinning and it was now directly pointing to a fair girl with a huge circular nose ring that was touching the top of her upper lips.

She screamed, "Finally," when she saw that the bottle was directly pointing at her and she jumped up excitedly before fist building the air.

I shook my head as I took in the appearance of the girl. She was dressed in bikini pants that exposed ample parts of her ass cheeks, a bikini bra that only served the purpose of barely covering her nipples and a very transparent and tight white crop tee that I felt she shouldn't have even worn at all because it served no purpose except sticking to her body and exposing her nudity even more.

I was actually starting to see no difference between here and a strip club.

The last questionee, who was now the questioner and the person who last spun the bottle, a guy who would have been naked if not for the bandana on his head and a very skinny brief that shouldn't even be called a brief, sized the fair girl up, his right palm rubbing non-existent beards as if thinking of a dare-devil task to give her while the crowd, including my best friend, kept chanting yaaah, yaaah, yaaah, like a broken record.

I sighed for the umpteenth time since the game started and I glanced briefly at my wristwatch to see that we had less than an hour to get back to school if we didn't want to have a mid-night picnic outside the school gate.

"Okay, so your task is to..." The bandana guy started, hands still on his chin and he kept bending forward and backward as he observed the girl before he finally clapped his hands together, "So, your task is to take five things off your body, any five things."

The crowd hoots insanely and I took one last look at the fair girl that did not even have up to five items on her body before mentally concluding that she'd pass on the task and she'd drink the vodka shot that was the punishment for passing on tasks.

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