21c* Rose-Colored Glasses

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Eid Mubarak

I finally created a WhatsApp group for my books, the link is on my IG bio but if you're not on IG, you can send me a dm here and I'll send the link to you ❤

And btw, what ship or ships do you want to see the most? Because the way some readers are just shipping anyhow ehn😂😂 With the way we're going, some of you will still ship Wale with Nazeera😂😂❤

You guys that said you'll pray for and against some ships during Laylatul Qadr, hope you remembered sha because ehn 😂🤣

And just so you know it, the only ship that's certain for now is I and Alfred's ship so 💅💅


The sun was already setting when I returned to the loungers and Dunni was nowhere to be found.

She had simply disappeared from where I left her after I helped her to apply the sunscreen on her back and I knew I was supposed to mind my business and just be grateful that she had left before her presence would make me do something I shouldn't do but I couldn't help but whirl around in search of her.

But well, she remained nowhere to be found.

She wasn't with the girls from the dance department that were busy dancing to a choreography by the poolside.

She wasn't with the group that seemed to be playing games in the pool.

She wasn't at the bar.

She just wasn't anywhere.

And I wasn't seeing Wale anywhere either.

I started to sit down, feeling a sense of loss and missing her presence already when my eyes caught sight of a very familiar fair-skinned beauty sitting at the other side of the bar. It was a secluded part of the bar that was backing the swimming pool so no one was there because sitting there would mean backing the party and missing out on all the fun but she was there, sitting alone, at least from what I could see with a glass of wine swirling in her left hand.

That was very unusual.

Dunni was supposed to be the life of the party. She should be the center of attraction, she should be the one calling the shots with all the fun activities they were doing but instead, she was sitting alone at the back of the party.

This should definitely be a cause for alarm.
I didn't even think twice before I started walking her.

And the closer I got to her, the more distracted I become.

She had unpacked her hair that was initially packed into a bun and it was now cascading down the sides of her face and her shoulders, making her even more pretty than she initially looked. I kept looking at her, kept looking at her tug an errant strand of hair behind her ear but the more she tried, the more it came undone again and she sighed, frustrated before she held out the strand of hair to her front and she muttered what I assumed to be stern a warning to it before she tugged it behind her ear again and she waited for a couple of seconds before she smiled to herself, satisfied that the errant strand was finally going to stay in place only for the whole mane to tumble to the front when she attempted to pick up her glass of wine.

"Oh God! You just can't stay in one place, can you?" She muttered loudly as she patted her hair back and my eyes followed the movements, my hands itching to do that for her and my hands missing the familiarity of running through her hair.

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