28* Zik Boys

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Annyeong ✨❤👋👋

I'm finally here and this is not a prank, don't worry, this chapter won't run away 😂😂 sorry for putting y'all through that two nights ago. You can have my daughter's head. I'm giving you guys for free 😂

Infuriating contents ahead though 💀

Let's dive in.


The boy sat opposite me, body sprawled on one of the sofas that were arranged against the top to floor window with his face lit in a huge grin as he popped more and more pretzels into his mouth and as I drove my fist into the punching bag in front of me, I kept wishing it was his face my fist was connecting with.

"When are you going to stop punching that bag?" He asked as he popped another pretzel into his mouth with the grin becoming even bigger on his face.

I ignored him.

"Is it when your hands stop functioning?" He popped another pretzel into his mouth.

"Or do you want to prove that you have more than enough muscles to rip that bag into shreds?"

I ignored him again but that did not deter him because he continued his babbling.

"Well, I guess that's how it goes for you people with abs and muscles once in a while, you want to show off. Good!" He nodded as if he just reached one amazing conclusion, his hand reaching into the big circular bowl on his legs and popping another pretzel into his mouth, "That's understandable, I'd do the same if I could relate too."

He was just babbling, saying all sorts of nonsense to get a reaction out of me but well, he wasn't going to get any reaction out of me.

I didn't even understand what he was doing here when he should be in the viewing room.

"But if you're trying to distract yourself from thinking about her, just know that you'll have to keep punching that bag for eternity," He completed casually and the truthfulness of his words made me miss my target and the next thing I knew was that the punching bag was flying towards me that I couldn't duck it fast enough and it hit the side of my face, the impact nearly paralyzing a tiny side of my face and nearly sending me to the floor.

My hand instantly darted up to rub over the skin on my left cheek and I could feel it swelling up and with an intensifying pain.


"Oops," Wale muttered on my behalf as he crushed another pretzel and his eyes dancing with mischief, "How'll she take you back now that your fine boy is in the mud? Swollen face and bruised lips, there's no girl..."

"Shut up, Wale," I finally broke my resolve as I picked my towel from the hanger and I settled on the chair opposite him.

And I had barely sat down when he threw an at me.

I was surprised because even though a first aid box was close to him, I didn't see him reach for it.

"Do you want me to come and help you apply it?" His voice jolted me out of my reverie and I shot a glare at him.

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