Double-layered trap

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Today was so hot I felt like my skin was going to evaporate. I was considering taking an ice-cold shower but ended up deciding to keep with my usual routine. The school forces us to wear our coats even in the summer.

Is this a new form of torture? Is this a psychological attack for a special exam in the future? I was spiralling until the elevator doors rang and I got out into the ground floor.

I walked to the school. It was at an increased pace since I would get out of the heat faster, but unfortunately, that also caused me to warm up more because of my increased energy expenditure. I finally got into the school just shy of heatstroke.

We were taken to the gym and I sat in my seat, but the usual glares constantly staring holes into me were fewer in number. I looked at the people who would usually glance at me, but they would all do their best to not look in my direction. It seems that the last few events made them all fear me to an extent where they couldn't even look at me.

"Today's the final video of this little exam and it's a fun one, hope you enjoy it."

It sounded like a host now.

"This tape is during the final session of the rabbit group."

"Good evening. Nice to see you all," Ichinose said warmly.

She was smiling, just like always. I set the trap immediately. We didn't know who else had a hidden agenda, after all. I'd been waiting for Ichinose to talk, and decided to cut in before she spoke up again.

It really is jumping straight into the action.

"But I don't remember you doing shit," Ibuki stated

"There were unfortunately some obstacles," I said

"Um, excuse me. If everyone's okay with it—"

"I have something I'd like to ask—"

Both Hamaguchi and I started talking at the same time.

"Oh, sorry. Go ahead, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Oh, no. You can go first. I don't mind," I said.

How annoying. Well, this didn't get in the way of my plan, but any unexpected trouble could make things unstable. I decided to let Hamaguchi speak first. I'd chime in after thinking things through. Then, Hamaguchi shattered my plans in an unexpected way.

Now it had everyone's attention. Although this jumped right to the point, people weren't that interested, but now they saw something new that captured their attention; class B taking action.

"For the past three days, I've been thinking of how we could achieve Outcome #1," he said.

Hamaguchi launched into an explanation of his plan which, surprisingly, was quite like mine.

"There is a way for everyone here to achieve Outcome #1," he continued.

A faint glimmer of hope shone in everyone's eyes. "Is that really true, Hamaguchi?"

"Yes. I came up with this idea after listening to everyone here, including Ichinose-san and Machida-kun."

"I can't believe it. There's no way we can arrive at Outcome #1 without discussion," Machida huffed.

"Hey Machida, wanna tell me why you thought that?" Ichika pricked his psyche even further

"I... don't have anything to say," Machida said defeated, it seems that he knew not to interact with Ichika in a debate

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