Perfectly Average

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"Now then, Have any of you ever thought of how the person sitting next to you seems?"

This video may concern Kushida, but if this voice was truly bored they would have a build-up of minor events and then have some larger earthshattering events take place. Simply put, Kushida's time hasn't come yet.

"I will now show you the truth about some of your classmates."

The smarter students had already realised that since all the videos had been about me and due to my somewhat impressive academic and physical showing this may reveal more of my abilities. But the less smart students, my classmates, had this news shatter them.

"What? Why are we seeing this unless it's something bad? This seems far too personal to pry into the lives of someone else like this," Kushida worriedly blurted out.

"Hey kushida, you're looking a little pale are you okay?" asked some of her friends.

"It seems like the faker is being exposed," Ryueen snickered.

Most students ignored his passing comments since they believed he was just trying to rile them up.

"So then, let's begin!"

The loudspeaker came alive with a soothing sound effect, and a robotic voice issued an announcement.

"Ayanokouji-Kun, from first-year Class D. Please come see Chabashira-sensei in the faculty office."

"Kiyotaka, I don't remember this. It wasn't anything bad right?" asked Akito

"Don't ask questions that will be answered, it's pointless," said Horikita.

Akito listened and let the video continue playing.

I was sure I hadn't done anything to get me called to the office. Exiting the classroom, I could feel my classmates' stares drilling a hole into the back of my head. Timid as a rabbit, I found the faculty office and entered. I looked all around, but I didn't find Chabashira-sensei anywhere. Baffled, I called out to a teacher inspecting her appearance in a mirror.

"OH. Ayanokouji, it's from that day," Hoshinomiya said like an excited child

"Excuse me, is Chabashira-sensei here?"

"Hmm? Sae-chan? Oh, she was just here a moment ago."

The teacher had wavy, shoulder-length hair, which made her look mature. The way she said Chabashira-sensei's name made them sound close. They were near in age and probably friends.

"She must have stepped away for a minute. Do you want to wait here?"

"No, thank you. I'll wait in the hall."

I didn't like being in the faculty office. I hated attention, so the hall would do just as well. However, the young teacher unexpectedly followed me.

"Ayanokouji, you hate attention? I don't love it either, but I guess coming from someone in your position it makes sense since you haven't interacted with many people," Matsushita surmised.

"Well, it's not like I hate it. I just don't prefer it and I like to keep to myself," I responded.

This is going to be frustrating. Matsushita already has an interest in me and it's only going to get worse from here on out. I need to be proactive if this video is showing up that means that her interest will skyrocket I have to explain it in a way that doesn't make me seem bad, but still have no one continue to question me.

"I'm Hoshinomiya Chie, in charge of Class B. Sae and I have been best friends since high school. That's why we call each other Sae-chan and Chie-chan."

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