All people are nothing but tools to me

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This morning when I walked into the class, many students greeted me. A girl even came up to me and even gave me her number, but I fear what Kei will do to her if I don't throw it away.

"You're so-called ordinary life is over, so how does it feel?" Horikita asked me.

"It's a lot more exhausting than I thought it would be," people like Yosuke and Ichinose are monsters for being able to deal with people constantly.

"Although there's one problem, why is another video being shown? If all the important events have been shown, then what more is there to see?" Horikita mulled over this thought, of course, I knew the answer, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"I don't know, but I guess we'll find out now," I said as we got up from our seats and moved towards the gymnasium

There's no need for the private room. 

"Let's begin, shall we?"

The voice was chilling with no emotion or quippy sarcastic remarks, it was simply an ominous statement that put the room in a tense mood.

Near a large tree lay a muddy Horikita. She'd collapsed, unconscious. A single keycard lay on the ground near her hand. On her injured body were traces of excavated soil. After examining the situation, I confirmed that more people than Ibuki had discovered Horikita's position as leader. After picking up the keycard, I lifted Horikita into my arms.

Nobody was surprised by this, rather, they were confused that we were seeing this. 

"Why are we seeing this? We already know everything that's happened," Ike asked and most people has the same thought.


Horikita let out a small sound. Slowly but surely, her eyes fluttered open.

"Are you awake?" I asked.


She sounded dazed, as if she couldn't understand the situation.

"Agh... My head...hurts..."

"You have a high fever. Don't push yourself."

"I see... I-Ibuki-san... But, why are you here?"

Even if I told her to sleep, Horikita wouldn't listen, all while her fever grew worse. She started to understand the situation little by little.

"I knew it...Ibuki-san stole my card."

"I see."

"I can't be dumber than Sudou-kun and the others."

I saw Manabu frown that his sister's first instinct when she realised that she failed was to belittle herself and others. But it was just a reminder of what Horikita used to be. There's no point in being angry or disappointed currently.

She chastised herself and closed her eyes, as if lamenting a situation in which she was powerless.

"This isn't a test where you can just hide for twenty-four hours a day, right? No matter what you do, you can be open to attack."

I'd intended to keep going, but it seemed like anything more would just make the heartbroken Horikita even more depressed.

"I could've avoided this if I knew how to rely on someone..."

Everyone here felt at least some form of basic sympathy for Horikita. Realising that you failed and repenting your actions is a common reaction for a human and everyone has felt it at least once in their lives.

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