A Problematic Situation

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We weren't shown any videos for a week due to chabashira's absence, but when she came back today, the class was hostile and untrusting of her. Homeroom went as normal and we were then escorted into the gymnasium where I saw someone I haven't seen for the last 9 months. Tsukishiro had already informed me of his departure before the videos started, but I hadn't expected the chairman to also be watching these videos.

I gave him a slight glance and he met my eyes and gave me a nod. After finding my seat the screen came on .

"Well, due to some errors, it took a while. How about we begin?"

He seriously needs a new hobby. I'd recommend gardening, it's much more peaceful than tormenting high schoolers.

"We won't have anything too heavy today, but since I thought these would be fun to react to I might as well show them."

The voice went away and the screen played a video.

After the morning roll call, we began to explore. Hirata provided roles to the more reliable students, starting his plan to save us points. Meanwhile, the less helpful students and the more independently-minded like Horikita and I did as we pleased.

"I think you were plenty helpful, Kiyotaka," Yosuke said kindly.

"I appreciate you saying that, but I didn't really help that much," I sighed.

"What the hell, you guys?!"

Ike's angry voice boomed throughout the campsite. I looked in his direction, and saw two male students wearing wide, smug grins. A pained expression flashed across Ibuki's face for a moment, but then she quickly ducked behind the tent to hide herself.

"Komiya and Kondou, huh?"

Like Ibuki, I recognized those guys. They were from Class C.

"Wow, you Class D rejects are really living frugal, eh? I guess that's what I'd expect from a class of defectives."

They were stuffing their faces with potato chips and drinking bottles of soda. Not water. Soda.

"I still don't understand why would you do that in an exam where you have to prioritise resources," Kanzaki looked confused.

"That's incorrect. The point in the exam is to do whatever you want and achieve the best results," Ryueen said smugly.

"Although I hate to admit it, he was right," Horikita thought.

"The teachers told us that the theme of the exam was freedom, so I'm free to do whatever the hell I want. I just happened to choose to spend it on snacks and having fun," Ryueen gloated.

"Looks like you're living the high life, Class C."

"Do you know Ryuuen?" Ibuki asked.

"He's a Class C student. I've heard various rumours about him. He's pretty crazy, I hear."

"Not just 'pretty' crazy. Everything that guy does is crazy." Ibuki sounded irritated, as if she were discussing a family enemy.

"So you consider me family, Ibuki? My cold and jaded heart is touched by such familial affection," Ryueen said with a smirk.

"Yep, next time I see this fucker outside of school I'm gouging his eye out," Ibuki thought.

"Those two are Ryuuen's friends. I'd say they're more like his underlings, though."

I recalled the time those two had fought with Sudou. It'd seemed like they were acting on orders from Ryuuen, rather than just looking for a fight.

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