strawberry blond

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A/N: Sorry I died guys! In all honesty though, I lost some motivation for this, and am one of those 'all or nothing people' so once I forgot to post, I lost the motivation to continue to post. Now uploads might still be a little bit wonky, but I will be posting again! :)


How Techno loved Dream. He had known the man since childhood, and had loved for just as long.

Techno couldn't recall exactly when or what had made him fall for Dream. In fact, all he does remember is that one day he looked at him, and realized that he was in love with him.

But they were only friends. It's what they were, are and will be. Nothing more and nothing less. So he had simply resigned himself to simply dreaming of being able to call Dream 'his'. And every night, when he did dream, it left an ache in his chest, because no matter how much he dreamed, he knew it would never come to fruition.

Even with the ache in his chest, he still continued to hang out with Dream, no matter how much it hurt him. Almost all the time, they hung out in this little field, where the two of them could simply lay down and do whatever they wanted in the moment.

Dream was laying on his back next to Techno, both of them simply staring up into the sky. They watched as the clouds -and occasional planes- came and went. They listened to the hum of the bees, going from flower to flower, without a care in the world.

They laid there in silence for a long while, before eventually, Dream got up and left without a word.

Techno watched him leave without saying a word. He knew that Dream was leaving and he knew why, even if the reason left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Dream was going to hang out with George, having promised him a few days back. Techno watched Dream's back until he was no longer visible over the hills. But even though Dream was currently gone, that didn't mean the ache for him had left either.

Techno finally tore his eyes away from where Dream had been and instead looked to where he had been laying. He noticed the outline Dream had left and carefully ran his hand over it, scared of messing it up. And for a while, Techno did nothing but look at it, and feel the ache in his chest.

He already missed his strawberry blond.

And he continued to miss his blond. Because Dream began to hang out with George more and more. And it ate Techno away. Made him feel empty until the only thing he had left was the ache in heart and the numbness of his chest.

A week later, the two of them found their way in a car together, driving down some long road neither of them knew the name of. Dream was driving while Techno had his hand out the window, feeling the air in his hands. It was completely silent. And then suddenly, it wasn't.

"I love him y'know? George?" And Techno could feel his heart stop and shatter. He wanted to cry, and he almost did, but stopped himself. Scolding himself on how childish he was. He knew this would be the outcome, the only way the story could go. But just because he knew the ending, didn't mean it hurt any less.

Techno wanted to say something, anything. But he knew that if he opened his mouth, he wouldn't know what would come out. So he did nothing but look at Dream, and give him a smile. One as close as the one he had given him the day they had met.

Dream gave him one back, the blush still on his face. And they went back to driving in silence, Techno now choosing to look at the white lines on the road and pretend that he couldn't feel the ache eating him alive.

The weeks that followed were no better, with Techno becoming so aware of how much Dream was in love with George. Because soon it became a common occurrence for Dream to be too busy to hang out because he had plans with George, seemingly every day.

And soon for Techno, it began to feel like the field that was always theirs was now only his.

He watched the way the wind made the grass roll in waves, just like the ocean. How gently, the flowers swayed from one side to the other.

He listened to the quiet howl of the wind, the hum of the bees all around him, the chirp of the birds.

He felt the grass in his hands, the dirt under him sift and move with every little movement, the way the bee's legs tickled him when they landed on him, the smoothness of the flowers against his skin.

He sat there, taking in everything, and feeling like he understood nothing. Alone. He sat there for ages in complete silence, except for one word.

"Look at you, strawberry blond." 

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