Superheroes suck

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"Haha! I've got you now!" Dream yelled, as he pulled the ropes tighter on Technoblade.

Now, You may be wondering what the hell is happening so I'm going to fill you in! Dream is the most feared villain ever, and Technoblade is the friend of the hero Wilbur Soot. Dream has just caught Techno to use as leverage against Wilbur.

Dream pushed Techno into a car, and shut the door and got into the driver's seat. They sat in awkward silence during the car ride until finally they arrived at the villain's house.

"Don't you have, like a secret base or something?" Techno looked at the house, it was kinda nice.

"Do you think I could afford something like that? No, now get in the house" Dream grabbed Techno's hand and shoved him into the house.

The inside was nicely furnished. The living room looked comfortable, and the dining room was nice and elegant. This was kinda weird.

"So, what are you gonna do to me?" Techno asked while he looked around for a secret door that would lead to some torture room, or prison or some shit like that.

"WHat? No, I'm not that inhuman, no I'm just gonna keep you here until wilbur comes out asking me for you" Dream looked at Techno like he was crazy.

"Why though? Why do you need me?" Techno walked around the room, feeling how the couch felt. It felt super nice. He kinda wanted to sit in it.

"I need you so I can make a truce with Wilbur. I've asked him before but he keeps rejecting my offer and I don't know why" Dream sighed.

"So, like what am I gonna do here?" Techno crossed his arms, this was really weird. He imagined that it would be pretty easy to break out of this place.

"I dunno, you're just going to like, live here until Wilbur comes for you, I'm here to make sure you don't escape and ruin my plan" Dream shrugged. He went to the couch and made a motion for Techno to sit down. Techno gratefully accepted.

The couch was so much nicer than Techno expected. He melted a little into it. He was really tired to be fair. Dream had kidnaped him at like 11 at night.

"So, where am I sleeping?" Techno looked at Dream with a raised eyebrow. Dream paled and looked sheepish.

"So uh, about that, I may or may not have not planned ahead too well, so either me or you could sleep on the couch while the other takes the bed, or we could both share the bed, your choice. I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want to do" Techno was a little shocked that Dream was being this considerate. He would feel bad if Dream slept on the couch, and Techno didn't really feel like sleeping on the couch.

"We can share the bed since it's only going to be for a few days," Techno said confidently. He was sure Wilbur was going to come for him.

"Ok, well I suggest we go to bed since it's like midnight. I don't have any plans tomorrow, so we can probably sleep in" Dream grabbed Techno's hand and dragged him up the stairs, to the right of the hallway and into his bedroom. It was quite simple, a king sized bed with super fluffy pillows and a huge comforter. It looked super comfortable, Techno had always wanted to have a bed like this, but was always too embarrassed since Wilbur and his team came by to his apartment a lot to make plans. So he never really invested.

"So like which side am I sleeping on?" Techno looked at Dream.

"Oh! Uh, whichever side you want. Also I got a spare pair of pajamas, I've never used them don't worry. I got them for christmas." Dream walked to his closet and pulled out a pair of blue pajamas. They were decorated with bows.

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