640 13 28

Guys don't worry, this isn't about to be some "I'm leaving wattpad" thing, no I just would like to talk about what happened in the last week and address dome "friends" of mine.

But first of 600 views!!?? YOu guys will  never believe how happy I am, I love all of you and hope your having a good day/night! :)

So A. I messed my knee and was off for a little. I was at a soccer game and I landed wrong and messed up one of my tendons in my knee, so I can't play soccer, volleyball, or do P.E for a while which is fun. I also had to sit in urgent care for 3 hours to get a knee brace and a piece of paper. I could've gotten all of those online for much less and much quicker.

B. One of my "Friends" found out that I shipped Dreamnoblade, to which I was like 'yeah, no shit sherlock' but the thing they did after was disgusting. They told me I was disgusting and that I should kill myself.  Yeah, they're psycho. I told them that was horrible and I refuse to talk to them now. They know my mental health is in shambles.

and finally C. Another one of my friends cussed me out for writing and posting it online, telling me I wasn't anywhere near good enough to do that and that I was dumb for doing that. I am know also refusing to talk to them now as well.

Moral of the story guys, choose your friends wisely because I didn't.  😁👍

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