Music, a universal language, but not be confused with violence

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A/N: 960 views wild, Thank you, so much :)

"I went over to your room because you were blasting music to find you laying in a pile of pillows and listening to some love song and know I don't know what to do-"

To say Dream was having a terrible day was an understatement. He was trying to study for a quiz for his college class which was tomorrow. But his next door neighbor seems to have picked today to be a terrible human being. They really could have done this any other day, but no they had to pick today to blast music. It wasn't even good music either, it was some trashy love song. Bleh.

Dream tried to continue to study for his quiz, but after fifteen minutes of that song blasting, he decided he was going to talk some sense into that person.

He got up and walked to the next room over. Through the door he could hear the music perfectly. At least with the walls, the song was muffled a little bit. He knocked on the door and waited. When no response came, he knocked on the door again. Again no response. He knew it probably wouldn't work. But he decided to see if he could open the door. He grabbed the door knob and to his surprise the door and opened. Dream walked inside and closed the door behind him.

"Hello? I don't mean any harm but I was just wondering if you could turn your music..." The words died on Dream's tongue when he saw the man who lived in the dorm. Crying on his couch wrapped up in blankets. The man whipped his head around to look at Dream with his piercing red eyes. All Dream could do was awkwardly look the man in the eye.

"Who are you?" The man said to you. Dream looked at the dude a little harder and realized he kinda knew the guy. They shared an English course together. The dude's name was Technoblade, but everyone just called him Techno.

"I'm Dream, DreamWasTaken. We take an English course together. Are you uh, OK?" Dream kinda reached his hand out, to which Techno visibly flinced. Dream immediately retracted his hand, not wanting to make the guy uncomfortable.

"BrUuH, do I look like I'm OK? No, either you can sit down with me or get out of my dorm. Your choice." Techno sniffled and pulled the covers closer to himself. Dream felt kinda guilty. He had meant to just come here to see if he could get the guy to turn down his music. Not walk in on him crying his eyes out. So he decided to comfort the man.

Dream walked closer to the couch and sat down with him. Techno made a noise of comfort and then leaned a little into Dream. Dream of course let him. They just sat there in silence listening to that song until they both ended up drifting off to sleep.

When they both woke, Techno was on Dream's lap with Dream petting his hair. They stayed like that for a moment before separating. They both looked at each other.

"Hehe, sorry there. Didn't mean to get that personal." Techno's cheeks were slightly blushed. Dream thought it was cute... Wait what? He had probably known this guy fully for less than a day. Was this love at first sight?

"It's fine, how often does this happen? And why if you don't mind me asking." Dream looked at Techno with worry, this probably wasn't the healthiest thing to do by himself.

"I dunno, It happens at least once a week but normally I just listen to music on my headphones. But then they broke, so I did this. I think this happens because I'm just so lonely, but I'm no therapist." Techno let out a dry chuckle at that last part. Dream didn't like that. He had grown up lonely. He had done this a lot when he was a kid. But he had gotten help for it and had found people who filled that gap loneliness created. Techno had not found that help or people.

"Uh do you want my number for when this happens? I went through this a lot when I was younger. It sucks going through it alone." Dream took out a piece of paper and scribbled his phone number on it. He held it out. Techno seemed to think about it for a moment and then took the paper.

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