From Monochrome to Beauty in a Second

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"Everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate, and then suddenly the world is filled with color."

Technoblade was used to living life without color, that was how things were until you found your soulmate. Everyday, he would hear how everything looks from people who had already found their soulmate.

While he hadn't given up on finding his soulmate, it wasn't really one of his top priorities. He liked to keep the mindset of 'if it happens, then it happens and if it doesn't oh well' when it comes to soulmates.

He continued to walk to his work, a simple coffee shop in the middle of a bustling city. The coffee shop he worked in was simple, but charming. It smelt like heaven every day, with fresh coffee and pastries. He liked working at a coffee shop, mainly because he got free coffee every day.

Techno put on his uniform and got to work. He took orders and then delivered them to tables. It was a simple job, but he enjoyed it. Or at least he normally did, but today was not a normal day. As he was walking to the table, some guy bashed into him, causing Techno to fall on the ground. Coffee was spilt everywhere. The guy got on the ground and picked up some of the broken pieces while whispering apologies, their fingers brushing multiple times. Techno and the guy had gotten the place picked up within a couple of minutes. The guy said one last apology and then walked out the place.

"Well, at least he helped pick the place up" Techno jumped and then turned around to see Phil standing there. Phil had met his soulmate, Kristin a while back. Phil said that when he had met her, slowly but surely, things slowly came to life. The thing that made him realize she was the one was when on the way to the coffee shop, he noticed a bright red rose. Techno remembered that, because he remembered Phil being so happy that she was the one. Ever since they got married, Phil's life has been full of colors.

But as Phil was talking about one thing or another, he looked at Phil's hat. The normally white and gray hat was now green and white.

"PHIL! Your hat is green!?" Techno suddenly yelled, his eyes going wide. Phil seemed to have to think about it for a moment, before breaking into a grin.

"Yeah, mate. You are right. I wonder who was your soulmate in this place. You normally start seeing colors when you've touched them for the first time. Did you accidentally brush up against someone?" Techno thought about, the only person he had really made contact with would be that guy, who had knocked him down. Man he hadn't seen what that person's face looked like.

"Just that guy who pushed me down, but I didn't get his face or name. Well, hopefully he'll come back." Techno rested a hand on his head, and went back to work. Getting some new coffee for the table.

Walking back to his apartment, he noticed that small things had colors, from a few hats to a flower he saw on the side of the road, things were in fact slowly coming to life.

Techno had wanted to eat something, but just didn't feel like it, so he just changed into his pajamas and went straight to bed. His dreams were about the faceless man who was slowly bringing his life color. He hoped to meet him again.

When Techno arrived at his job again, he did what he did yesterday, put on his uniform and got to work. Work was a lot more interesting, seeing all the different colors, from a blue hat to a green plant. It was cool seeing things he wouldn't normally see.

Techno was taking orders to go today. It was a fun job, to say the least. While he was taking orders though, he noticed a guy in a green hoodie with a smiley face on it. While that may not seem that strange to you, Techno recognized it you see, the guy who had knocked him down yesterday, was wearing that hoodie. When the guy spoke his order as well, Techno was sure it was the same guy.

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