Chapter 4

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Lucy was at her new job a girl showing her the ropes that was when she saw Micheal and Sam showed up on his Honda she goes and meets them . Sam gets off the Honda while Micheal guns the engine . 

Micheal : See you later . 

Lucy : I get off in another twenty minutes. I thought maybe we'd get a bite to eat? 

Micheal : I'll pass . 

With that , Micheal peels off . Micheal buys a leather jacket he likes it on him making him look like one of the lost boys he walks in the crowd and spots an ear piercing stand and wants to get his ear done that was when someone spoke up behind him . 

Star: It's a rip-off. 

Micheal is happy to see Star standing behind him . 

Micheal : Hi .

Star: If you want your ear done I can do it . 

Micheal : I would like that . 

They walk with each other on the busy boardwalk . 

Micheal : What's your name ? 

Star: Star

Micheal : Oh . your folks to , huh ? 

Star : What do you mean? 

Micheal : Ex-hippies . My mom was one, I came close to being called moon child or moon beam or something . But Star's great . I like Star . 

Star: Me, too. 

Micheal : I'm Micheal . 

Star : Micheal's great . I like Micheal. 

Micheal smiles at her playfulness . Phoenix was with her mates she was sitting on her bike while David was kissing on her neck , Phoenix was loving the way David lips on her skin but when she opens her eyes she saw start with her first kill about to leave . David stop when he saw that her vampire form was bout to come out he grabs her and she digs her face in his neck trying to clam down . 

David : Sweetheart what made you so mad all out of the blue? 

Phoenix : Look over there she is getting too nice with her first kill . 

David and the boys looked over to where Phoenix was looking and they did not like that but that was when David got an idea . 

David : Hey do you guys know that max wants us to get one of his mates sons to be one of us so his mate has no choice to become one of us . 

Phoenix thinks and they see her smile get bigger and they know that she has an idea and looks at them .

Phoenix : Okay so here is the plan . 

Star and Micheal were talking when they were about to get on his bike they , both heard a roar of a loud bike they see that the lost boys were all round them with on way out with Phoenix next to them and she looks at the two . 

Phoenix : Where are you going Star?

Star: For a ride this is Micheal . 

Phoenix looks at Micheal and back to Star , Micheal reaches his hand out to Star that makes her look at him . 

Micheal : Come on . 

Phoenix : Star . 

Star looks at Phoenix that has her eyebrows raised , Star and Phoenix have a stare down when Star walks over to Phoenix that made the guys laugh , Phoenix looks back at Micheal guns her bike making it louder. 

Phoenix : You where Bluff hill is overlooking the point? 

Micheal : I can't beat your bike . 

Phoenix : You don't have to beat me Micheal just have to keep up . 

With that they rode off to the beach by going down the steps and jumping through bonfires , Phoenix and her boys were howling and yelling happy to feel the wind and messing around . Micheal was driving behind them and was watching Star while trying to keep up with Phoenix . All her mates knew what she was about to do , Micheal was still riding that was when he saw a drop and he made a hard turn and fell off his bike. Phoenix was smirking and she could feel Star's glare at her and she can hear her mates laugh , Micheal was pissed that she almost killed him he ran over to Phoenix and punched her in the face Star yelled out. 

Star: NO!!!

Her mates were pissed David ran over and punched Micheal in the face gave him a busted lip , Paul , Marko and Dwayne check on Phoenix but she just laughed and looked at Micheal smirking at him licking off the blood on her lip . 

Phoenix : How far are you willing to go Micheal? 

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