Chapter 11- Past Presence

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Melinda's POV

I've been stuck in my old house for over a week now. My first day was just trying to see how far I could go without using my magic and draining myself of power. I actually did pretty well. I only used it to orb out of the way of a fireball. Granted, I only got about 3 feet away before stumbling to the ground from energy loss.

I don't remember too much about the second day. I remember a burning sensation in my shoulder blade.

The next days were the same old trials. Trying to drain magic out of my body. Each night I got a good rest and a meal. It was the only thing I ever looked forward to. Though, I never really ate much, I'm not used to it. I only ate because I was forced to. I stayed in the same room that was mine when I still living here. Each night I was hand cuffed to my bed. Everywhere I went my escort was Adam. I have this feeling that Wyatt is doing this on purpose. He is trying to make me suffer.

Today was a different day from the beginning. I didn't get let out of my room until mid afternoon. This is strange. All of a sudden on the way to the attic Adam put his hand on the small of my back. I struggled but it was no use. He's too strong. I am being forced to walk this way, by being pushed by the small of my back.

Chris' POV

I walked through the portal, back to the terrible world I knew. Wyatt has been talking for a while. He asks me why I left and won't turn evil. "I tried to go back to save you Wyatt." I responded. "Oh you will do what I say Chris." He said evilly. It made me nervous to think about what was going to happen. He snapped his fingers. In walked a bunch of demons, but after that came a familiar face. She was a lot paler than I remember her being. She looked really thin. Her black combat boots and pants have blood on them. Her black tank top is ripped and tattered. Her long, brown, curly hair was disheveled, and up in a messy pony tail. Next to her, escorting her, was....Adam? He had his arm on her lower back. I'm going to kill him when this is all over. I looked Melinda up to down. She was covered in bruises and scars. Then I realized the bracelet on her wrist. She was trapped. No wonder she wasn't fighting.

"Chris?" she said my name. Her voice was soft and broken. What had he done to her? "Melinda." I said. I took a step forward and everything snapped to action. Adam put his arm around Mel's left shoulder and it went diagonally down just below her chest. She looked uncomfortable, but it looked as if hope was just gone from her face. "Don't worry Mel I'm gonna get you out of here." I told her. "Oh but how will you do that, Chris? The only way you can save her is if you join me." Wyatt said, a satisfying smile on his face. He was enjoying torturing Mel. "Wyatt I am never going to join you." I told him. He got angry. He waved his hand and threw me back into the bookshelf. I groaned. "Chris!" Melinda screamed. I could just see her, struggling against Adam's strong grip. I grabbed my head. We were so close that when she called my name it hurt. I can feel her pain most of the time.

"No! You promised you wouldn't hurt him!" Bianca yelled. So, she did still care. I started my way towards the floorboard. I really hope the sisters understood my clue. "And you promised you could turn him." Wyatt responded. I felt my throat closing up and I was choking. Bianca swung into action and started draining Wyatt's power. "Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast. I don't know how long I can hold this." She told me. The other demons in the room had disappeared when Wyatt threw me into the bookcase, and Adam was too shocked and held up with trying to keep Mel under control to do anything. I opened the floorboard. The sisters had put the spell in here. "Powers of the witches rise, Come to me from across the skies. Return my magic, give me back All that was taken from the attack." I felt my powers return and just in time. Wyatt got free and threw Bianca into a table. The end went through her body. I sent Wyatt flying with my telekinesis. Adam ran out, obviously too scared of me. Wyatt was out for the time being. Melinda fell to the ground, not strong enough to hold herself up.

I ran to Bianca's side. I tried healing her. "Chris, it's not going to work." I started to cry, "Chris, listen to me. Go back and save him. Save us." I nodded. "Take her with you. She won't be able to sustain it here. Goodbye, Chris." Bianca said with her last dying breath. I kissed her hand and looked behind me. Mel was on the floor unconscious. Yeah right I was going to leave her here like I did the last time.

I run over and grab her. I set her down near the attic wall and start to say the spell to get back to the past. "Hear these words Hear the rhyme Heed the hope within my mind Send me back to where I'll find What I wish in place and time."

Wyatt got up. The portal is open. "Get them!" Wyatt yelled. rip the spell put of the book, grab Melinda bridal style, and run/jump through the portal with her in my arms. Back to the past.

The End of Book One


It's over! :'c. Wow, honestly didn't know it'd hurt this much to end the book. But alas all great things must come to an end. Thanks to my friend spadeslick or the drawing. Few announcements so bare with me here.

1. How did you guys like this?

2. Tips for the next book? Ideas? (No idea is a bad idea.)

3. Sequel Release Date: 5-15

Thanks for sticking it out with me guys. Until the information on the sequel. (BTW That will be a chapter in this book named Sequel. That will have lots of information on the sequel on it.)


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