Chapter 5- Friend or Foe

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Melinda's POV

We arrived in the old Underworld. I looked to my right and saw my supposed cousin near tears, but she was freaking out. I went over to her and gave her a hug. I normally don't show this much affection for people. I don't get close to people. The only person I'm really close to is my older brother Chris. Plus, I only know of a couple of other live family members. My brother Chris, my oldest brother Wyatt, a cousin, PJ, that is unknown to be dead or alive, my grandpa, and finally my other "uncle". I look behind me and see him. Cole. Supposedly he was married to my Aunt Phoebe. I didn't know what to believe as true. Most of my family died when I was 7 and I barely remember anything. "Hi." I said coldly at Cole. I pulled myself away from Tam. "Hi? I save your sorry ass and all I get is a hi."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize I couldn't handle it myself. And language!! No cursing."

"Fine next time I'll just leave you to fend for yourself!" He yelled. Then he seemed to take notice of Tam. "Who's this?!"

"This is my cousin. Tamora. Tam."

"What cousin? I know everyone in your family and I've never heard of her."

"Well, she's my Aunt Paige's kid. Her and her twin sister, Kat."

"And they made it all this time without being discovered?"

"Yeah. Their dad was mortal."

"Excuse me! Stop talking about me like I'm not here." Tam interrupted. "Sorry." Melinda responded. "Can we please go to my sister?" Tam asked tears forming.

"Yeah. I'll shimmer you there in a little bit. I have to regain my energy."

"Why can't we just orb?" Tam asked.

"Because then they'll pick up on your orb trail and lead them to the Underground. And straight to your sister. Do you really want that?" Cole asked. Tam shook her head. "Okay then. You'll wait." Then he left to a different room.

"So.." Tam said trying to break the silence.

"So..." Melinda responded.

"Um, okay how about this. Let's play the question game. I ask a question. You don't have to answer it but whatever you do you have to respond with a question." Melinda nodded her head in agreement. "Okay, um, do you know of any other family members?"

"Yes. I actually have 2 brothers. Chris and, um, Wyatt, the dude who sort of took over the world. Moving on. I know of you and your sister and then possible a cousin, PJ, she would be our Aunt Phoebe's daughter but nobody's heard from her in years. And then my grandpa, mortal, but I left him a couple years ago to keep him safe. After that I don't know of any biological family. However, I know a couple of people who were close. Like the dude that just walked outta here. Aunt Phoebe's ex-husband, Cole. Then I am friends with a deputy, Daryl, and his son, an investigator, Sean. Lastly I guess just Billie, she helped our aunts defeat the great evil. Okay my turn. Uhh, what are your powers?"

"Well I can orb, voice manipulation, invisibility and I can pass through walls. Why did Wyatt take over?"

"I don't really know. He claims for the good of mankind but I don't believe him. Have you ever heard of the Book of Spells?"

"Yes. Why?"

"If you could cast one spell from that book what would it be?" Melinda asked with a spark in her eye.

"I don't know. I haven't really seen it too much. Which one would you cast?"

"The Dimensia Spell. I used to look at that book all the time when I was little and that spell always caught my eye. It would get me out of here. If you could bring back one person from the dead who would it be?" Melinda said with a look of remorse crossing her face.

"What does the Dimensia Spell do?" Tam said dodging the question.

"Oh okay. It allows you to go to many dimensions. Sort of like dimension hopping. For example we could be in this dimension now and then be in an alternate universe 3 years from now."

"Cool." All of a sudden Cole came back into the room. "Come on we're leaving." Tam opened her mouth to respond but he interrupted her, "You want to see your sister again and I want to get you witches out of my lair before I get caught. Now let's move." He grabbed hold of Melinda and Tams' shoulder and shimmered to the Underground, the hideout for witches. He quickly shimmered out not leaving time for goodbyes. "Melinda!" Adam exclaimed running at her, "Hey you're back, we were so worried. You'd been gone for a while. Hey Kat what's up?" He asked Tam, obviously not seeing the small difference between the two. "Well, I'm not Kat. I'm her twin sister for one. And my name is Tamora but everyone calls me Tam." Tan answered.

"That makes a lot more sense." Adam said. "Here let me go get your sister." He ran off in the other direction.

Adam quickly came back with an exhausted Kat right behind him. She saw her sister and squealed and then went on to hugging her. They held out their hands and Melinda joined in the hug. The lights above them started to flicker and shine bright. "What's happening?" Katherine asked. Melinda had a look of complete realization before she responded, "the Charmed Ones have been reborn. In us." The girls looked shocked. However not as shocked as when something came down in glowing gold orbs and landed in their hands. A book. "It's a book." Kat exclaimed. "That's not just any book that's the Book of Shadows." Melinda exclaimed. Suddenly she got a frightened look on her face. "Guys if this is the real book then we have to run. Why you may ask. Good question. Because Wyatt will notice and come for us. He's probably already noticed." Melinda said. "Right I have." Said an unknown male voice from behind them. They all jumped at the sound and turned around to see Wyatt. Melinda quickly orbed out into a warehouse. "Okay you two find the Dimensia spell. I will be back. He's gonna follow my orb trail. Hurry up with that spell." She orbed out and as soon as she was gone the girls started flipping.

Melinda orbed all around the Underworld and Topside. Before she came back to the twins she had a stop to make. She orbed in on Adam and Lily. "Okay you guys I've only got a few seconds. I am going to go to the past and try and find Chris. I want you guys to stay here." They nodded and Melinda orbed back to the warehouse. Wyatt was close behind her. "Well, well well. What do we have here? Who are these people?" Wyatt asked with a look of disgust. Demons started shimmering in.

"Cousins. Guys?" The twins opened up the book to a page with the Dimensia spell on it. They started to recite the spell. As they did a portal opened up behind them. 'Come to us who call you here, come to us and gather here, allow us to go to any place, through the fabric of time and space.' They jump through a portal and demons follow.


Hi guys I hope you loved it. If you're reading this right now then you're amazing, because some people have somewhat better things to do than be on wattpad. But if you're in your right mind then you're here. Reading this. There will be an update tomorrow but warning it will be short. All you readers who guessed Cole congrats you got it. Now, question time! *taps chin in thought* what to write what to write.....GOT IT!

Where do you think that Mel, Tam, and Kat are going to end up?

a) A parallel universe

b) A good future

c) The past where Chris is

Okay guys that's the question. Bye!

READ! COMMENT! VOTE! SHARE! MAGIC! HARMONY!.........yea sorry if this is a little annoying. Bye! XP

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