Chapter 7- Video Taped

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Author:*Walks out of shadows, somebody holds blade to neck, authors hands are up*

Unknown: Now post the chapter!!!! I've waited my week for this now post it!!

Author: *click clack clack clickity clack*

3rd Person POV

"Melinda!" Kat called as she walked into the all too familiar dining room. In the dining room were familiar dead faces, and faces of people she didn't know. Melinda had landed against a wall. She was passed out with a black lighter arrow sticking out of her stomache. Tam and Kat ran to her cautiously. A few feet away there was a table full of people eating, or at least they were until Mel, Tam and Kat had appeared. Surrounding the table were good people, family. It was Piper, Leo, Paige, Phoebe, Coop, Henry, Chris, good Wyatt, a younger Melinda, Henry Jr., a younger Tam and Kat, PJ, Charlie, and Parker. They all soon gather around Melinda.

Kat's POV

I ran over to my cousin, ignoring the other people starting to surround her for now. I knelt down next to her, Tam and the others right behind me. "She's fading fast." I said. Me nor Tam could pull the arrow out. We'd just become infected ourselves. I looked around the room. "Is anybody here NOT part white lighter?" I ask. "Oh my Gosh is that Melinda?" some woman asked. "Yes," I say, "Who are you?" I ask. She looks at me with a confused look in her eye. "Katherine I'd know you anywhere. It's me, your Aunt Phoebe. Now quick let me get this." She said. She knelt down and swiftly pulled the arrow out of Melinda's stomache. I'd realized that we'd gone to the past and to a different dimension.

As I looked around it looked as if we were 3 years in the past. Tam heals Melinda the minute the arrow is out. It takes a few minutes but eventually Melinda comes to.

Melinda's POV

I woke up and I was surrounded by people that were dead. Then there was Chris and...Wyatt! I screamed and backed up on my hands. They all looked at me with concern as if I was crazy. "Melinda honey what's wrong?" said a woman who looked like my mother. "How old are you?" I asked the girl who looked a little bit younger than me. "I'm 16. What about you?" she asked. "I'm 19 years old." I responded. They all looked at me astonished. "Where are you from?" Piper asked me, I'd figured out who everybody was. "A very different dimension."

"What's it like there?" Wyatt asked. "You wouldn't want to know." I answered hesitantly. I realize now that in this dimension Wyatt is good. "Well why did you come here?" Piper asked. "Escaping a very evil, bad person." I said while looking at Wyatt. Leo held out his hand to help me up and I took it. "Do you need place to stay? You can stay here if you want to." Piper told me.

"Sure. That would be great. Thank you."


I laid down, for the first time in a long time, in an actual bed. It felt nice. While I was getting ready people kept on asking me questions about the future. I just dodged them as best I could. I got into bed that night and dozed off.

3rd Person POV

While Mel was sleeping Wyatt and Chris snuck into the room. She had left her bag by the door. They quickly searched through it and found a video tape. They left before she could wake up and went down stairs to put the tape into the television.

"Wee!" says a little girl, Melinda. She is 7 at the time. She was getting a piggy back ride from Chris, 10. She and Chris are laughing. There is a crash from the attic. Chris puts Melinda down and orbs them up to the attic. 11 year old Wyatt is freaking out. His powers were going haywire. There are 3 piles of ashes and 2 bodies. Chris soon realizes that the piles are Coop, Paige and Leo. Pier and Phoebe lay on the ground, pain evident in their lifeless eyes. "Mommy!" Melinda yells. Chris grabs her wrist and pulls her back. "Come on Mel we gotta go." He says. He then orbs Melinda and himself out of the attic leaving Wyatt freaking out...... (the video ends).

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