Chapter 10- Rescued/Captured....Again

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Mel's POV

We orbed up to the surface. I know it's dangerous but it's the only way I know how to get attention. Somebody would be here soon enough. We need to get moving. "Come on." I said. "Why did we just orb?" Paige asked. "Look," I started, "you don't know anything about my world. I know the rules and I know how to get things done. Now if you'll follow me you won't die a horrific death." I finished. That made them follow immediately. I saw the sensor and ducked behind a dumpster. It started scanning to see if there were any witches around because, not often but, sometimes orbing signatures are false. Some people might think I am crazy but I know what I am doing. Those things only ever go back to Wyatt, wherever he may be. And I had no doubt that Melinda was with him too.

It started heading down the street and I followed it in the shadows. The sisters were following my every step. They were either accepting that I knew what I was doing, or they were too horrified by what my world looked like to speak. "Just follow behind me and don't make a sound." I whispered to them. They were still silent, which was better. I heard the buzzing of sensors. I hugged myself as close to the wall of the alley as I possibly could. The buzzing sound disappeared. I looked around the corner. I saw the sensors but they were too far away from me to notice. They entered my old house. Of course, that is where Wyatt would take her.

I followed them inside. The tours were done for the day so nobody was around. "Why are we sneaking around our own house?" Piper asked. That was a bad decision. I turned around quickly and shushed her with a panicked look on my face. She looked scared, and she should be. I talked in a very hushed tone, "Do not talk in here. This is not your house anymore. It's a museum. To show how powerful Wyatt is." I said. They nodded. I could tell they would not be talking anymore. I started creeping up the stairs. I could hear the thumping of boots above me, no doubt Wyatt. We reached the attic door.

I turned around to them. "Now, here's the plan. No questions asked just do what I say. We are going to go in there and get her....I mean me....I mean Melinda....I know what I mean. If we have to fight our way out, we will. Now after we get her I'll open the portal back to your dimension. No matter what, and I mean it, you go through that portal with her. Don't look behind, because I will be through as soon as you are to safety. Now to answer the question I know you have. I am doing this because if he kills somebody from another dimension, well, we don't even know the consequences of that. Okay, everybody understand what they're supposed to do?" They nodded. I nodded a response.

The thumping had stopped some time ago. I wonder what Wyatt has done to her. No point in guessing. I opened the door to the attic just a crack to see inside. I saw Melinda tied up to a chair, her mouth gagged. She was slumped over, unconscious. I walked in cautiously, nobody was there, no one came out, nothing. It was dead silent. "This is too easy." I said out loud.

"Right you are, little sister." I spun around. Wyatt was standing in the entry way. Piper took an inhale of breath. "And who are these people you have with you?" he asked, utterly confused. I took the glamour off of them. He stared stunned for 2 seconds before I yelled, "NOW!" The sisters' went into action. They were by the chair and in no time had Melinda out and over Piper's shoulder. Wyatt snapped back to attention. "Demons!" he called. I knew that it was a now or never moment. I opened the portal. Piper went through first with Melinda. Next was Phoebe and then Paige, who only looked back for a split second before running into the portal.

I was fighting trying to make my way to the portal. I think I knew long before now that I wouldn't really make it. The portal closed and I was still fighting. "Seize her!" Wyatt ordered. All at once 12 demons jumped on me and grabbed my arms, legs, and hips. I realized that this is his plan all along. He didn't care who came back, he would let them go if he got me. And now he had me.

Wyatt took a bracelet out of his pocket with 4 charms on it. I'd seen this before. There are 20 of these bracelets. Created by the Elders to control witches. They are able to take a witches powers away. It has a catch though. Before you can harvest the powers 5 witches have to wear the bracelet, that's where the charms come from. Afterwards you can reuse it. The way the bracelet works is that, if you know what's good for you, you will not use magic. Every bit of magic that you use three times that much magic and five times that much life force is taken from you.

"I have a present for you." Wyatt said with an evil smirk on his face. He knows that I know what it is and what it does. "Aw thanks but I'm not the jewelry type." I said with sarcasm dripping from my words. "Oh but I won't be putting it on you." He said with a devilish grin on his face. The attic door opened and in walked a figure. I can't see him. The demons holding me in place are restricting me from that. He came up in front of me and my mouth dropped. It was somebody I never thought would betray me. "Adam." I said, my voice cracking. He grinned slyly. "Hi Mel." He started "I'm guessing this surprises you. Well, to be fair, I was in on the bad side the entire time. How does it feel Mel?" He grabbed the bracelet out of Wyatt's hand and walked over to me. He placed the bracelet onto my wrist and I felt an instant decrease in power. I refuse to look at him. He eventually left, but Wyatt was still there.

I was still looking over to the side when he came up to me. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Oh don't look so distraught, sis. You're not going to die yet. I still need you." He said.

"You have me, my powers, my family, my friends. You have everything. What else could you possibly need from me." I asked. "Simple," he responded, "I need you to get to Chris." My eyes filled with horror. "Now take her away!" he ordered. "You'll never get away with this! Chris is going to stop you!" I said, struggling on my way out.

Chris' POV (In The Past)

"Bianca, how could you do this? I thought you were different." I said. Bianca is standing over me. She is about to strip me of my powers and I can't do anything to stop it. "Look Chris, I did this for us. For the future." She told me.

"There's nothing left in the future anymore." I said. I brought out her engagement ring and threw it on the table. She looked at it, showing a little bit of sadness. That was for the better, she should be sad. "What about Melinda? She's in the future. Is she nothing to you?" she said. Oh no, Mel. What happened? "What did you do to her?" I asked, hate in my voice.

"I didn't do anything to her. But he might. If you don't come." She said, smirking. I sighed in defeat. "That's what I thought." She said. Pride evident on her face. With that she took the rest of my powers. I felt a lot better. Powerless but healthy. She teleported us into her childhood apartment and started drawing a triquetra, the symbol of the Charmed one's, on the wall. My aunts and mom orbed in moments later. My mom tried to freeze us but it obviously didn't work since me and Bianca are both witches. "Okay I get why she didn't freeze, but why didn't he freeze? Unless he's a-" my mom started. "A witch" I finished "Half witch half whitelighter. Just like you, Paige." They threw potions that we dodged. Bianca stepped up to my mom and put a dagger on her neck. "Another step and she dies." Bianca threatened. Paige and Phoebe backed up.

"Chris, you don't have to do this." Paige told me. "Yes, Paige, I do. She has my powers I have no choice I guess Leo will have to fix that floorboard without me." I said in response. They stared. Bianca waved her hand and a portal appeared. I walked through, planning on giving myself up to save my sister.


Woah, this book is almost over. Man, I had a good time writing this and I hope you all had a good time reading it. Just 1 more *pauses* 1 more *trembles* Dang it! I swore to myself I wouldn't do this. Okay I can do this. 1 more chapter left!

Hey guys's true. Only 1 left. But there will be a sequel. I still do not have a release date but I will have you know that if it is a long time (like a month) I will post updates on how far I am and give previews on it.

So, what do you think is going to happen???

Bye!!! :)

Trapped (Book #1 of the Charmed and Dangerous Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя