Chapter 1- The Citadel

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A/N: I'm gonna start off how I left the last one. Here is the rest of the book. If you have any suggestions for a future book please comment I love the feedback. If you yourself have created a Charmed fanfiction let me know and I'll try reading it. Please let me know where I can get some of these comics. Enjoy!

Melinda's POV

My name is Melinda Halliwell.

I'm 19 years old.

I have 2 brothers. One good. One evil.

I am an orphan.

I've been experimented on.

I have been here for 11 months.

I'm a witch.

Nobody has come to rescue me.

I am trapped.

3RD Person POV

11 Months ago:


"Melissa Johnston." She lied.

"Date of Birth."

"January 7th, 2010."


"I stole a 75 cent apple." Melinda had been answering these questions over and over again. A female police officer escorted her to a black van. Melinda was becoming suspicious. "Hey! What's going on?" she asked.

"You're being transported."


"The only place for your kind." The officer, Casey, had known about Melinda for the past hour. Melinda's species disgusted her and she couldn't wait to have Melinda off of her hands.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're a witch." Casey looked at Melinda. Melinda had kept on doing motions with her hands. To use her powers, Casey guessed.

"Your powers don't work as long as you've got those cuffs on" Melinda looked down as her eyes widened in horror. Casey wondered what she was scared of, this place was for her own good. Melinda started struggling half way to the van.

"Stop struggling. This place is for your own good." That's just what the humans think, Melinda thought.

"No, it isn't. Please you HAVE to let me go. You don't understand what they'll do to me. Please. I'll answer any questions you have just PLEASE don't send me there." Melinda said, her voice shaking. It was just then that Casey started wondering if she was doing the right thing. Melinda struggled even more until she was out of Casey's grasp and started fighting. Just then 3 guys jumped out of the van and injected something into Melinda's neck. Melinda went limp and 2 of the guards caught her and started carrying her to the van.

"It's okay ma'am we've got it from here."

"What did you just inject her with?"

"A sedative. It'll just knock her out for a few hours. Until we get her where she needs to be." The guard gave Casey a reassuring smile that was obviously fake. However, Casey couldn't think of that right now. She had 1 hour until midnight and then her shift was over and she got to go home to her husband and daughter. Casey turned around and strode back to the police station, sleep filling her eyes. As she did so the van drove away, into the night, and off an unmarked dirt road.

A/N: Cliffhanger! Sorry about that. I f you like it so far please comment. The next chapter should be up next week so check back. Once more, don't mean to be impulsive on this but, if you do know where I can purchase the comics please let me know. Thanks! Hope you enjoyed it! Comment! Vote! Feedback! Bye!

Trapped (Book #1 of the Charmed and Dangerous Series)Where stories live. Discover now