Mario's plane trip

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SMG4, Mario, Toad and Meggy all entered the Mushroom Kingdom airport's gates, all of them packed for a fun trip ahead.

"Yippee!" Mario shouted, as he ran in. Tossing his suitcase onto a chair, he began to run around the airport and looking through the different restaurants.

"Thanks for inviting me guys! I've never been to Underpal Studios before, this'll be great!" Meggy exclaimed.

"No problem, Meggy! Glad to have you with us." SMG4 replied, smiling.

"At this point, any girl that isn't Toadette is a relief for me." Toad added in.

Just then, the intercom began playing.

"Flight 41 for the CURSED LAND OF Florida, soon departing."

"Crap, that's our flight!" SMG4 gasped.

"Oh hell naw, here I go!" Mario yelled as he ran for the gate. As he charged through, he failed to notice a man in a uniform sipping at some coffee.

"What the-"

"Oh ma gaw-"

Mario knocked him aside, causing him to break through the window and fall down to the ground below.

"Ahhh!! Argh! Ow..."

To top it all off, his hot coffee then spilled all over his crotch.


His scream resounded throughout the land, as a million voices heard his cry of pain at once and immediately assumed it was the end of the world.


Aeris was at Speckler's house again, practicing proper enunciation, trying to talk properly with a bunch of smooth stones in his mouth.

"Again." the badger said.

"Ve raiw in Shpaiw shtays-"

The two suddenly heard the scream as the soundwave rolled past them. Aeris spat out the rocks in surprise, as Speckler stood up, raising a revolver up into the air."

"Phleh! What was that?!" the inkling exclaimed, confused.

Speckler said nothing, glancing around. Then, calmly, he sat down while making Aeris do the same.

"Eh, it's probably nothing. Now put the balls back in your jaws!" he ordered, shoving the stones back into Aeris' mouth.



The gang hopped into their seats, Meggy next to Mario and SMG4 next to Toad. As they were sitting down, they didn't notice two... familiar faces who were also on board. Splendid glanced at the four friends sitting behind them, then to Bio who was next to her.

"Remember, stick to the plan." he told him.

Bio didn't say anything, as he was too fixated on his phone.

"Aw that's hot. That's hot-"

Splendid snatched his phone from him.

"Can you not?!"

"But the producers of this one contacted me to get a role in the next episode..." Bio said, "I need to read up on the lore."

"It's just animated sex!"

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