If Mario was in Metroid Dread (Part 2)

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They began to run around wildly, frantically trying to dodge the fiery projectiles headed their way. As they were booking it, the monster was doing its best to free itself from its restraints. It eventually managed to free one of its arms, ripping it out of the cuff it was trapped in. Seeing this, an idea came to Mario's head.

"Squid boy, my 1000 IQ brain has an idea!" he shouted.

"I thought you said you had 4 iq!" Aeris yelled back, as he ducked to avoid another fireball.

"Just listen! We are gonna use the great tactic of Sun Tzu: We will jump on his head three times!"

"What?! I haven't done parkour in years, I don't know how to-"

"Mario will then teach you how to jump like'a Mario! Just do what I do!"

"Uh... Okay, what do we do?"

"INCOMING!!!" Mario suddenly shouted.


Aeris looked up to see the monster bringing its massive arm down towards them, attempting to crush them both in one strike. Reacting quickly, they both leapt out of the way, barely avoiding getting squashed.


"Now, follow me!" Mario ordered him.

"Got it!"

The plumber led the inkling up to the giant lizard's paw, leaping on top of it while it was still down on the ground, before beginning to run along its scaly arm.

"Whoa!" Aeris said, as he did his best to keep his balance on the massive thing.

"Follow me, here's how you'a jump like'a Mario!" the plumber told him.

Rushing forward, he jumped once, gaining some height, then again, a lot higher that time, before finally flipping up into the air and right onto the monster's neck cuff.

"Here goes..." the inkling stated, as he began to repeat the movements. He jumped once, then a second time, this one a little higher, and then finally flipped up into the air, barely grabbing onto the edge of the giant metal restraint.

"Whoa!" he let out as he grabbed on. He then started to slip.

"Oh squid-"

Just as he was about to lose his grip, he suddenly felt a pair of gloved hands grab onto him. Looking up, Aeris saw Mario looking down at him as he pulled him up onto the monster's neck.

"Don't die now! SMG4 is gonna confiscate mah spaghetti if he finds out I let his assistant die." he ordered the inkling.

"T-thanks for that..."

"You'll get better at jumping the more you do it. Now, time for triple prosciutto stomp!"

Aeris cocked his head, confused.

"Triple wha- WHOA!"

He was suddenly grabbed by Mario as he was hoisted into the air, the two of them leaping up over the monster's head.


As they landed however, they bounced on the giant lizard's head three times, before suddenly getting launched off and onto the platform. The beast stared at the two, having stopped its thrashing and roaring.


It then fell face first into the magma below.

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