Chapter 6: End

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"He was preparing for me to lose all my stamina!" Doppio said as you stared at him.

"Hey boss, you listening?!" You yelled towards him, and the pink haired male glanced at you. "Leave everything to Doppio. you know what i'm trying to say right? With his personality, he won't move, even if you told him to. He's completely loyal to you, and will complete any mission you give him."

Doppio was silent for a second before he placed the frog down. "Thanks for convincing the boss Y/n-san. I swear, i will complete this mission!" He said as you nod.

There was a moment of silence, before the frog was suddenly ripped apart with razor blades. Doppio threw the scissors he took out of his throat earlier, and threw it. It sank into something. Doppio managed to cut off Risotto's foot.

Doppio got a cigarette and used it as a phone instead of the frog, since it just died. Risottos stand was useful. And... you wanted it. You wanted Risottos stand, metallica. You wanted it in your collection of stands, you wanted to use it. As soon as he's dead, you were going to take it from him.

After a short call, doppio ran towards him. But before he can actually get close to him, the foot he cut off began raising into the air.

"You have precognitive powers, don't you?" Risotto said. "You had a decent idea of what would happen and how i would move. Otherwise, there's no way you could've predicted my position or my attack. it's true that at first, you were a beginner who couldn't do anything on your own. But... who are you right now? Your personality is now filled with confidence."

"And what's that look on your face?" Risotto continued. "those eyes don't belong to a young man. it's as if there are two of you. Could that be what's going on?" He said and reattached his foot. "No. that's not it. there's no doubt about it. i'm much closer than I realize to the one i'm after right now!"

Doppio's eyes twitched as he stared at Risotto.

"Two years." He said as you glanced at the two. "It's been two years since we were basically pups who had been collared, shaking in fear. you're definitely something more Than what we've been looking for. I'm certain of it."

"I want to know what you are." He said as Doppio's eyes began flickering. "I want to see your true form. I want to know what you are when i kill you... no matter what!" He said and stood up with a rather determined look.

The two continued fighting, and doppo douged knives and other sharp objects launched at him. He couldn't avoid some of them, and ended up getting hit a few times. You didn't interfere, since he didn't look like he'd die yet. But, it seems like you would have to step in if things don't change. There was too much iron stolen from his body, and it would become dangerous if he doesn't end this.

Doppio threw a few scalpels at the direction it was being pulled in, but it was just Risotto's severed foot he had cut off earlier. But, the area the scalpels are flying towards, would help end everything.

"Now you're brimming with confidence! The excessive changes to your body, and the way you're talking to yourself... It all makes sense now.I finally figured out who you really are! Yes, this has already been confirmed in 16th century germany. There are people in this world who have multiple personalities. In some cases, it doesn't just affect them mentally. Their body, their physique can change, as well as their way of speaking."

"had just thought that you were the boss's most trusted subordinate." He continued as Doppio was still screaming in pain. "But you... To think that you... I can't wait. I can't wait to see what your face will look like once you die! There's nothing else you can do. I'm keeping my distance. You have no strength to resist. There's nothing you can do!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Risotto." You said as he turned and glanced at you, not saying anything.

"I've won. I'm going to chop off your head!" He said turning back to the pink haired male. "This is the end!"

But before he could finish his attack, he was shot, and blood poured from the open wounds. It was Li'l bomber.


"Risotto." A deeper voice called to the male. "I told Doppio that you were no longer an enemy he could handle."

"Don't tell me..."

You grinned. Since his body's so low on iron, Li'l bomber doesn't pick up on his breathing. It only picked up Risotto's.

The small plane behind risotto fires more shots, and some of Risotto's blood splattered onto Diavolo's hair.

"I was winning..." Risotto said as you walked over to the two. "I would've won... But you had thrown the scalpels at them." He said and collapsed. "Boss..."

"I finally figured it out... I know your identity..." He said as you walked over to him. The man on the ground glanced at you before speaking.

"Before i die... Show me... show me your face..."

"I will not allow you to continue this conversation any longer, Risotto Nero." He said. "The last thing i wanted was for Bucciarati and his group to find out we were here. You should die with pride as the leader of the hitman team, since you made it this far. I'm sure your men who are waiting in the afterlife will be proud of you. You're going to die at any second. And Bucciarati will come find you up here at any moment. Before that happens, give me back all the iron you stole from my body. If you do, I'll finish you off myself."

"Wouldn't it be the worst embarrassment of your life if you were to die slowly and miserably in front of Bucciarati and his men who took the lives of your team? Not to mention, they already consider you a pathetic enemy. "

"That woman..." Risotto said glancing at you. "What will happen to her? Since she now knows your identity. And... How come, Li'l bomber did not attack her?"

"To answer your second question..." You said stepping towards him. "Is because i'm not breathing. Why do you think i've been staying quiet all this time? When i speak, i exhale."

"You're not breathing? Then how are you still alive after so long? The human body-"

"Because i can't die. You saw it yourself earlier. Your stand ripped my neck in half, and yet i'm still alive with no injuries."

"Then... My first question-" he said as Diavolo glanced at you, and you nodded quickly, risotto staring at the small exchange with slight confusion.

"I won't do anything to her." Diavolo said as Risotto's eyes widened.

"It doesn't matter if my boss knew my identity."

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