Chapter 5: Risotto

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"Maybe i just imagined it." Risotto said as you took a step back. You knew that risotto was a capable assassin, but without knowing how his stand works, you would be at a disadvantage.

"The ignorance and fear in his expression is not an act. If he was from passione, he wouldn't act like this." Risotto said as you mentally sigh in relief.  "Not to mention, he's more unguarded than a baby.He must be a civilian." He said and began walking towards him.

"Please don't!"

"Stop fussing. I'm just going to pick up my knife." Risotto said as Doppio moved back, even though he was pressed against the rock. "I don't care about you anymore.

"I-I Don't feel so good... My head hurts.." He said as his eyes began to fly around. You glanced at the male nervously, and you tensed up when risotto stopped moving, just as he was about ot pick up his knife.

"There was just one thing you did that seemed like an act." He said standing back up. "When you fell, you reflexively hid the envelope so i wouldn't see it, didn't you? It's right under your left shoe."

Risotto took a step to the right, to look at the envelope under Doppio. "What are you hiding? If i'm satisfied with what i see, I'll leave."

"W-What's your deal?!" Doppio said still shaking. "I-I don't have any money! Just let me go!"

"It wasn't murderous intent or hostility, but your expression there seemed fake." As Risotto and Doppio kept talking, you moved away from them slowly, just far enough to not get dragged into the fight, but you could still hear and see what they were doing, and jump in if you needed to.

"Oh, so it's just an envelope." Risotto said. There was a weird sound just now, and both rositto and doppio glanced at the area where it came from.

"There's nothing in it. Your trembling certainly isn't an act,  and i can tell you're a coward who can't lie. But now... I'm even more interested in you. You're definitely a stand user." He said as Doppio's eyes widened.

It was that sound. The noise from before that the two glanced at came from a stand. It belonged to Narancia's Li'l Bomber!

"Both you and that woman." He said glancing at you. "You both heard that sound too, didn't you. Just now, you glanced over towards that sound. That's the sound of scouting. It's carefully scouting the area. That sound and shape, Is Li'l bomber!"

It was confirmed. The enemy was on the island, yet there was another problem before you.

"And who are you two to show up to such an important location? It must mean the boss trusts you greatly. But there is true fear in your heart. You're a walking contradiction!"

"Shut your trap!" Doppio shouted as you glanced at risotto. If Diavolo ends up switching with Dioppo, thing's won't end well.

"You're the one who's about to be shaking in your boots!" Doppio yelled and ran towards risotto.

"I see. Since you're running towards me, you must be a close ranged power type." He said, doppio suddenly stopped running at him, and held his throat.

"W-What the.. M-my throat-!" Suddenly, He was throwing up blood and razor blades.

"Doppio!" You yelled and took a step forwards, causing risotto to turn to you.

"And you..." He said turning you you. "What is your stand?" Before you could answer, something began forming in your throat. No. It wasn't just one thing, it was two.


"Those scissors will rip your throat open." He said as the two scissors began tearing your throat open. "You'll be dead in seconds.' Just as he finished his sentence, the two scissors ripped your throat open, and dropped to the ground. blood poured out of your mouth and the wound on your neck. It didn't take long for you to collapse. 

Even though you collapsed and fell unconscious, and your neck was basically almost cut through, your wounds were already starting to close, and new blood was running through your body.

In just a few minutes, you would be perfectly fine again. When you regained consciousness, doppio was holding a frog to his ear.

"Come on now..." you stuttered standing up slowly, watching as part of King Crimson appeared on doppio's forehead. They could see a few moments into the future, and a few moments later, doppo glanced at you.

"Y/n-san! Are you okay?! Your throat was just-" He paused when he saw your neck, almost fully healed. "Y...You're okay?"

"I'm fine. Focus on Risotto!" you said supporting yourself with the rocks behind you. "And listen to your boss! He's still talking to you."

"Ah, right!' He said putting the frog close to his ear again. "Th-This is awful boss!" Doppio suddenly said "In ten seconds, s-scissors are going to c-come out of my throat!" He said stepped away from the rocks, with is hand around his throat.

"Calm down Doppio!" You said as he glanced at you. "just pull them out and you'll be fine. Just don't let it cut through."

"Damn it!' Doppio said and ran towards the rocks again, punching a spot.

"You're sloppy." Risotto said. "But then again, in all my years of being an assassin, you're the first one to ever land a blow this close to my location. How truly interesting. how did you know? I'm curious about your ability."

You sighed, your adrenaline slowly disappearing. "But still, you're going to die!" The moment he finished his sentence, Doppio reached up to his neck reflectively, just before scissor appeared in his throat.

"Doppio! RIp it out already!" You yelled your own hand around your throat.With no hesitation, he slowly took the scissors out of his throat without doing too much damage to himself.

"Those movements..." Risotto muttered staring at Doppio, who was trying to catch his breath before disappearing.

"God damn you!" Doppio yelled, randomly punching the rocks. 

You rubbed your now fully healed neck and glanced at the male glancing around, still holding the frog to his ear, talking to himself.

"I'd rather not feel any more pain than this..." You muttered. You had just died, but you certainly did not want to die again.

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