Chapter 3: Traitors

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"How are you still able to move?" The boss of passione said as you watched from above them. "Sheer willpower? If you just rest, you won't be able to get to the first floor, but you'll be able to die peacefully."

You didn't expect  him to want to hide his identity so badly that he was killing his own daughter for just that. Bucciarati managed to escape, and you sighed in slight annoyance. 

"Next time, i expect to see at least one of them dead." you said approaching the stand shaking your head.

"It doesn't matter how you kill them, whether it was cowardly or not. I want them dead."


"Do you understand? Diavolo." The stand before you nodded, and you turned around to head back up. "Send your subordinates after them." 

You walked out of the building, and seeing that the boat was empty, you knew that the group had entered the building. It appears the ladybug brooch Giorno gave Bucciarati was alive, and it was used to track them.


"Y/n-san!" You heard Narancia say as they walked over with Trish. Bucciarati placed trish in the boat before speaking to the group. 

"Alright, i'll just come out and say it." he said walking over to you and the others. "But i can't explain everything right now because there's no time and dangers around the corner. The reason i brought trish back, is because i betrayed the boss just now." He said as everyone's eyes widened.

"I'll be leaving you guys now. If you go with me, you'll also become traitors."


"I-I don't think i heard you right..."

"I think you should explain..." Giorno said as you sighed. "Some of them might want to follow you." He said before glancing at you. "We need people on our side."

"What the hell is your deal giorno?!" Abbacchio yelled, grabbing the blonde male by his collar. "First you go into the church without permission, and now-"

He was cut off when the group noticed Bucciarati falling forwards. He didn't look too good. And with the wounds he received from Diavolo, he should be dead by now, but he wasn't.

"Venice could already be surrounded by the boss's elite guards!" Abbacchio said.

"Bucciarati, you're insane." You said as the group glanced at you.

"You seriously betrayed the boss just for some girl? The boss's daughter no less? Why can't you just let them be? I'm going to be labeled as a traitor if  anyone saw me with you guys."

"You'll only be labeled as a traitor if you leave with us, you don't have to come."

"I know i don't." You said. "But what am i going to tell the boss? I'm right here, and i could attack you at any moment. What will i do if the boss kills me for not attacking you guys right now?" You said as your stand's arm appeared besides you. 

You weren't planning on showing them your stand at all, so you're just going to bring your stand's arm out.


"I thought I had told you before." You said scanning the cautious faces of the group. That i am here to observe. I am here to ensure that the mission the boss gave you guys does not fail, even if it means fighting the group that received the mission. But..." You paused and pulled your stand back. "It's also none of my business, since i don't really give a shit about that girl. But if she does die, it'll just make things easier for me."

"Make things easier for you...?"

"Anyways, i suggest getting out of here. The moment i get orders from the boss to stop you, i will do so with no hesitation. But of course, if i don't receive any orders, i won't be doing anything." You said as Bucciarati nodded, and returned to talking to the others. 

You sat there and listened in to their conversation, and in the end, everyone betrayed Diavolo, except for Fugo, who stayed on the island.

"Not going to go with them Fugo?" You ask glancing at him as he nods.

"It's about time..." You mutter and turned your back to fugo. "Go and live your life now." You said making your way back into the church. "Your loyalty to Passione will make sure you won't die in vain."

"Diavolo, are you still here?" You call as you walk around the church. 

"Ah, Y/n-san!" A softer voice called as you smiled. 

"Doppio! How have you been?" you said to the pink haired male. 

"It's been a while since we've seen each other. The boss has been a bit busy, so i had a lot of things to do too." He said as you nod. 

"Any new orders from him? Bucciaratis group has betrayed passione, and only fugo stayed behind."

"Yes! The elite guards are going after them as we speak. The boss Suspects that they will look into his background, so i'm being sent to keep an eye on the location. I'm just about to leave."

"I see, you won't mind me coming with you right?"

"I don't mind, but you're important to the boss, so i-"

"Don't worry about him." You said with a smile. "He couldn't stop me even if he wanted to. Come on now. We have to get there before their group does."

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