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They'd finally made it to the Wheeler house, after another earthquake, and another scare from the bats. It wasn't pleasant, and eve very much stuck to herself, wondering what had happened with max, Lucas and Dustin and if they were safe.

She was glad they weren't stuck down there with them, that would be a lot of stress.

The inside was disgusting - it was coated in vines, and little flecks flew through the air, much like the ones in the tunnels. It was gross to look at, especially considering the day before they'd eaten breakfast there, and it had all been normal.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler," Robin told her, trying to make humour in the situation - it couldn't have been easy to see your home abandoned and ruined.

"Come on, I don't want to stay here longer than we have to," Nancy said, breaking out of her little trance and heading up the stairs quickly, everybody following behind her other than Steve. Upon entering Nancy's bedroom, Nancy went to where she knew the guns would be, while Eve went to look at her desk. There was a mirror on there, and even though it was covered in sludge, she could still see her reflection.

She looked a mess, with her hair falling out of her ponytail in random areas, blood dried on her forehead and staining her hair. Her complexion was pale, her eyes sunken. There were also little black veins covering her neck, something that made her a little shocked that no one had pointed out.

She traced her fingers over them lightly, they reminded her of Billy in the sauna, when the mind flayer was taking control. that made her heart jump slightly at the idea of her becoming what Billy once was.

"Eve," She heard a whisper, and her head snapped up, her eyes falling on a person standing behind her in the mirror. She couldn't see their face, a shadow falling over them, but they were taller than her by a large amount, their body slightly hunched as they stared straight ahead.

She jumped, turning to look at the mysterious figure, only to see it wasn't there.

"Those aren't guns," She then heard Eddie say, making her look over at them as she tried to calm her breathing, coming back into the moment, their reality.

"These heels are pointy," Robin notes, "But I was hoping for a deadly projectile."

"I don't understand," Nancy mumbled, letting go o her shoes.

"Maybe you left them somewhere else?" Eddie asked, opening a drawer to see a bunch of jeans. Eve moved closer then, looking at the pictures on Nancy's desk, pictures of her and Barb.

"There's a six-year-old in the house, I know where I keep my guns," Nancy argues with him, making him raise his hands in defence.

Eve was still stuck on the photos - she'd been in Nancy's room two days ago to help her look for batteries, but these photos weren't there, "Also, I threw these away years ago."

"What?" Eve whispered, then moved along to look at a couple of assignments left on her desk, which was even more confusing, especially considering the fact that this was some of the stuff Eve was learning now.

"I get that grades are important," Robin speaks up from where Nancy is looking at flashcards, "but perhaps studying can wait till we get out of here?"

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