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Chapter twenty two: new beginnings

 Chapter twenty two: new beginnings

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"This is the place?" Eve asks her brother as they stare up at the little house they'd bought on Cherry lane, only a few doors away from Max Mayfield.

"Uh, yeah, think so," he replies, lugging his suitcase up the steps to the door, "you coming?"

Eve looks from the small yet cozy house to her brother, a small smile on her lips as she nods, grabbing her own case and pulling it up the steps and inside.

Steve and Eve had put all their money together from savings, spare jobs, and the wad of cash Eve had stole when leaving and managed to afford an old house on cherry lane away from their dad.

"This rooms mine!" Steve yelled as Eve looked around the living room, she rolled her eyes with a smile before walking through to another area of the house.

She walked into a small-ish room, cozy enough for her, and smiled, yelling, "This ones mine!"

She heard feet pattering through the house, before Steve appeared behind her, "ha," he laughed, "mines bigger than yours."

"You sound like a child," Eve laughed, before they heard a knock on the door. Eve went to the door, opening it to see a smiling red head.

"Eve!" Max squealed, running and hugging the girl tight. Eve squealed hugging her back as kissing her cheek.

"Hey neighbour," Max smiles, pulling away from Eve and giving her a peck on the lips, "this is so amazing."

"I know," Eve smiled widely, staring at the girl like she was the best thing to happen to the world since sliced bread, "this is so weird. You have to come over all the time."

"Hey, hey," Steve appeared, standing next to the girls, "my house, my rules," he said to them, making Eve roll her eyes, "hey! Don't roll your eyes, we need some ground rules."

"Come on max," eve laughed, grabbing Max's arm and pushing past Steve into her new room, closing her door as Steve yells, "hey!" After her.

"El and I are helping you decorate," Max tells Eve as soon as they're in the room, "did you move everything out of your old home Okay?"

"Yeah, the back of Steve's car is just filled with my vinyls at the moment, those babies I'll never let go of," Eve tells her as she unzips her suitcase.

Right at the top of the suitcase, laying on top of her clothes was two photos, Eve didn't think anything about them as she got up and turned to Max.

"I have one more suitcase in the car, so I'll be back in a second," She tells max who nods. Eve smiles and kisses the girl's cheek before leaving, running through the house to go and grab it.

Max on the other hand, watched her figure go before turning towards her suitcase. Her eyebrows furrowed as she moved forward and picked up the two photos.

One was the night of the snowball, they were dancing together with wide loving smiles on their faces. Max blushes at the sight of it, guessing Steve had taken it.

Her eyes skimmed to the other one, and she smiled even wider. The picture was one they had taken themselves. Max was holding her arm out, holding the camera as they attempted to take a picture. Eve was hugging max around the waist tightly, her head buried in her shoulder as she blushed and Max laughed.

"What are you looking at?" Eve asked as she entered her room again. Max looked over to the girl, her smile as wide as a Cheshire Cat.

"I love you," Max told the girl, her eyes full of glee. Eve put the suitcase on the floor and walked close to Max.

"I love you too," Eve told the girl, before leaning in and kissing her softly. Max held on to the pictures tightly as her arms wrapped around Eve's waist and Eve's arms went around Max's neck.

Their lips disconnected and their heads rested against each other's, both of their smiles wide as they stared into each others eyes, feeling total bliss.

Feeling total love.

I want to do a badass fan fic on an older member of the st cast (SEASON 3) which one though uh







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