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Ladybug swung around on her yoyo, frantically scanning for any sign of Cat Noir. If he was even out at this time of night. She prayed his insomniac tendencies would be in play for her to at least know of his well-being. Her ears caught onto familiar laughter, a room that appeared dark due to blackout curtains hanging from the railings over a balcony door was actually lit up on the inside.

Ladybug flew towards the stone, leaning her ear against the glass doorway. She listened for that same laughter, or Chat's voice. Something that belonged to him.

"I'm so glad I met you, Y/n." She scoots closer, "I don't know what I'd do without you. I don't know how I lived."

Melodic laughter, a sound so beautiful that even Ladybug- no Marinette could feel her heart pound at the sound. The bluenette felt her insides flutter at the girl's next words.

"Me Either."

Ladybug was gone, knocking over a flowerpot and creating a large crash. Her knee was bleeding, as she detransformed in an Alley. Tears streaming down her face, Chat was really gone forever and it was all. her. fault.

"Oh Marinette.." Tikki sulked, putting her tiny hand on the girl's shoulders, "I'm so sorry.."

Marinette shook her head rapidly, "No. No Tikki, don't be. It's all my fault, everything is my fault. I treated him so terribly, I yelled at him and I-I hit him.. I can't believe myself. Just.. Spots on."

The herione leaped from building to building, heartbreak setting into her heart. Ready to be exploited. Marinette didn't notice the Akuma seeping into her mask. She screamed, clutching her temples as her magic was tainted. The akuma had physically bonded with her suit and partially with her mind. It was agony, pure and utter suffering mixed with heartbreak.

"Latrodectus, Rise and take Paris by storm. Spin a web so strong not even the greatest cat can escape."

"Yes, Hawkmoth."

On The Rooftops (Cat Noir X Reader) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now