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Y/n dried herself off, slipping her clothes on and placing feet into her fluffy house slippers. She could hear the whiz of her Keurig making coffee from behind the bathroom door. She figured it was Cat Noir or one of her maids prepping her the drink. It was the former. Beau laid snuggled up against her pillows, waiting for her to come cuddle him.

"Hello Cat Noir, enjoying the Vanilla Biscotti?"

"Oh yeah, this stuff is so good. I have got to get one of these sometime, it smells heavenly and tastes even better!" He cheered happily.

Y/n shook her head with a laugh, "Feel free to have one of mine. I have like three more laying around the house. I'll go get one, they were a gift from one of my dad's friends oversees. The person who made the brand, so they are pretty up to date. Choose a color, all the small ones come in green. I have one of those too if you'd like."

"I'll take the small one, that's green. I'll probably be the only using it, I'll make a note to buy some of these pod thingies," He says pressing buttons on his baton.

Y/n places the machine on her nightstand, and sits down on her King-sized Canopy bed. She pats the seat beside her, she trusted him that much?

"So, that talk with Ladybug. How did it go?" Y/n began with concern.

"Oh, uhm. She yelled at me for slacking off on the job even though she never really needed me in the first place. She said just because I wasn't needed in a fight, it doesn't mean that I can lounge around it the homes of strangers. She basically called me useless, and then shouts at me for staying out of the way as a 'useless' person. It's starting to really hurt, all the things she says. It's not like before at all back when the insults were playful, now they sting." He explains sullenly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Chat." Y/n took his hands, rubbing circles through the leather.

The Keurig continued brewing, the second cup for Y/n. The two sat there, Beau snoring away as they watched the Parisian night sky in comfortable silence.

"I really don't know what's wrong with Ladybug.. If I did, I swear I'd help you-"

"Stop. Stop, okay?" He shushed her, "You listening to this dumb cat's ranting is enough for me. I don't really want to be Ladybug's partner anymore. I think, tonight at the Eiffel Tower I'm going to tell her when we meet up after Patrolling. It's almost time, thank you so much, Y/n. I'm glad I get to be your friend."

Y/n's heart melted, "Poor sweet little Kitty.."

She hugged him tightly as a way to send him off.

He looked at her puzzeled when she pulled away, "Are you not going with me? I need the moral support to stand up to her."

"Are you sure? We haven't known each other that long-"

"Ladybug and I have been friends for a long time and we know nothing about each other, besides the two of us will know each other well enough soon. Think of this as the first step to our friendship." He interrupted, "Take my hand. I'll get us f/f/f/r (favorite fast food/ restaurant) ?"

"You had me at food," She teased, fingers interlocking with Chat's.

He pulled her close, launching himself into the air with the help of his baton.

"WOOHOOO!!" The blonde cheered enthusiastically, Y/n shrunk into him- holding in her coffee- as they rocketed towards the famous Parisian tower.

The sound of metal clinking allowed Y/n to open her eyes, she was placed down on the lit up structure, "Woah.."

"Yeah super pretty isn't it? I was astounded too," Cat Noir said.

Ladybug and her friends dropped down onto the deck, Y/n now becoming aware of the amount of people that surronded her on this tiny space, high about the ground. She didn't want to seem weak, or not supportive. So, she stood there waiting for Ladybug or Chat to speak up.

"Cat Noir, what is a civilian doing here?" She spoke acidically.

Y/n looked to the boy in leather, her hand raced to his shoulder. Massaging it in comfort.

"You can do this.." She uttered, keeping her voice low.

"That's not important right now, there's something we need to talk about and it can't wait." Cat Noir said with confidence, it soon drained when the girl in red glared at him.

"It can wait, we need to go over everything we saw and then I have to collect the miraculous. Then we can talk," Ladybug dismissed him.

"If he says it can't wait, Ladybug. Than it can't wait, nothing's blown up, no screams of terror are being heard. Your meeting can wait, Cat Noir can't. Listen," Y/n chimed in to defend her friend, her voice wavered and shook a bit.

It was natural, her anxiety was through the roof right now. It was taking all of her willpower to not break out into tears.

Ladybug groaned, "Fine. What is it?"

"I want to leave the team of super's you have. I don't want to be your partner anymore," He explained.

The group gasped, Ladybug's face was twisted into a stern expression. She was definetly offended but she didn't show it.

"Why? Tell me and I'll contemplate it," Ladybug kept calm.

"There's nothing to think about, Ladybug. You treat me like trash now that you've got all your little hero friends, there's no room for Cat Noir. When I get there I'm always in the way or the problem is dealt with. My power isn't special, the rooster could just copy it. My speed isn't needed, the horse get's there even quicker. My need to provide an opening? No, you have Viperion. A distraction, protection? Covered with Rena and Carapace. Not to mention all the other stuff you and your team can do! You don't need Cat Noir, and whenever he stays out of the way you get mad at for him doing whatever you tell him too and I'm tired of it! So, there's no need to think. You don't get too, you've done enough of it and it caused you to loose me. But that doesn't matter, does it? I never have," He ran his hand through his hair and then yanked Y/n away off into the night.

"CAT NOIR! COME BACK I'M SORRY!" Ladybug attempted to run after him, only being held back by Carapace.

"Give him some time, Cat Noir loves you a lot. You mean so much to him, he will come back and then the two of you can work through this together. For now why don't you go home and rest after the meeting?" Nino calmed her.

"Thanks, I'm sorry everyone had to see that. Let's get started shall we?"

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