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The kind hand is warm, gentle. The lonely boy in black looks back at his new companion, his friend.

"What is your name?" He asks, eyes boring into hers.

"My name is Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Cat Noir. I heard a little kitty was all alone tonight, care to tell the cold night what's bothering you?"

He chuckled, "If she'd be willing to listen.."

"My ears are all yours. Now, what seems to be the problem, my friend?" Y/n smiles reassuringly, beckoning him to begin.

The cat leaned back a bit, craining his neck up towards the moon. He looked pretty like that, with the light hitting his features just right. Any girl would acknowledge that.

"Well," He sighed as he cupped his face in his hands, "Ladybug and I have been getting into a few spats recently. It's never ended good and I feel like I'm the only one who even remembers them! The next day out on patrol she doesn't bring them up and when I apologize for what I did wrong she looks at me like I'm stupid and says 'Oh, you had a bad dream about that too?' Like our partnership is some game! We're best friends, we've been through so much together but lately with all these fights it feels like we aren't even partners anymore. When I get there the akuma is already delt with by her team of superhero friends who she trusts more than me! It hurts, it hurts so much... I don't know what to with myself anymore and- UGH!!"

He ruffles his hair furiously, a cute pout forming on his features.

"Hm, well.. I don't think it's a matter of trust, Cat Noir. Hawkmoth has gotten really powerful as of late, I think she wants to protect you. Ladybug loves you, you are her best friend. She wouldn't trade that for the world, I think she's scared of loosing you and she's pushing you away to avoid it hurting more in the future. I think, Ladybug expects for this war with Hawkmoth to end in loss. That's why she's being like this or maybe it's something completely different. Who knows? I wish I could help you out more." Y/n replies although she doesn't look happy, "I wish I could help patch things up with you two, the both of you are the greatest superteam in Paris. Paris, hell, all of France isn't France without Ladybug and Cat Noir. Having others fill your space is wrong, it feels wrong, looks wrong, it is completely wrong. I really hope Hawkmoth is defeated... Maybe then this will all clear up."

Cat Noir chuckled, "Thank you, cold night. I'm glad it was your balcony I was sulking on tonight."

"Oh? So, you sulk on other people's balconies when I'm not here?" She teased, "Anytime. We are kinda friends now, so you can come talk to me whenever. Day or Night, I'll be here."

"I'll make sure to bring ice cream the next time I come to therapy, Y/n. I bid you farwell, and sweet dreams. Cat Noir out!"

On The Rooftops (Cat Noir X Reader) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now