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Y/n typed away on her computer, taking occasional breaks to sip on her coffee. She was writing a paper on Louis XIV based off of his biography, written by Karleen Koen. The title Before Versailles. (it's a good book, I've read it.) The girl was tired, that was prominent in the eyebags and dark circles resting on he face. The explosion from an akuma didn't even make her bat an eye as she hyper-focused on every details of this paper. She didn't notice the akumatized victim slamming past her in her living room through a window, or Ladybug and her friends desperately fighting back against the strong opponent. Cat Noir peaked over her shoulder.

She muttered feverently a ballad that King Louis XIV often thought of, he was a romantic afterall and Maria Teresa was not his love. That much was clear.

"Off with sleep, love, up from bed, this fair morn, see for our eyes the rose-red, new dawn is born, now that skies are glad and gay in this gracious month of May, love me, sweet, fill my joy in brimming measure-"

"In this world he hath no pleasure that will none of it." Cat Noir finished.

Now that caught her attention. Ladybug growled as she watched Cat Noir read through Y/n's paper.

"You write very well, is this a school assignment?" He inquired with intrigue.

"Oh yeah, it is. You know Jean Passerat?"

"I dabble, did you pick who you wrote on or did the teacher?" He said, making small talk as the super-team dispersed.

"Oh, I chose Before Versailles myself. I read the book with my mother when I was younger, I liked the story. I'm glad I did, now I only have to skim over for a few word for word refrences. I remember most of it, so this project will be a breeze." She replied.

"Cat, a word with you please." Ladybug murmed angrily, she tugged his arm and practically threw him out the window.

Y/n watched after with a look of concern, the ladybugs hadn't cleaned up her apartment yet. She paid it no mind, her Pomerianian, Beau curled up beneath her feet in sleep. He hadn't at all been bothered by the attack. The bugs swept through her home, Y/n now returning to her work.

She finished at 6:30, when her mother burst in with her favorite food from a well-known restaurant in the city. Y/n gave her a welcoming wave, turning in the assignment and shutting her chromebook down. She placed the device on the charger, returning to the dining room to eat with her mom. Her father was working late for a company assignment.

Her dad was a CEO of Paris' biggest construction company, meaning he was busy all the time. While her mother was a renowned author and critic, popular in the world of Art. This lead Y/n to have a very educational childhood, she was versed in poetry, painting and literature. Not to mention she could design a building or two. When she was younger she helped her father build widely successful playgrounds for Parisian parks, it was one of her biggest accomplishments.

Y/n mostly stayed inside, she was in rolled at College Francois Dupont but only took online classes partially because of anxiety and terrible claustrophobia. She wasn't good with loud noises, tight-packed desks or shared desks at all really, crowds or lunchrooms. Lunchrooms made her cry, she couldn't handle the noise at all, it made her anxious and jumpy. So, her parents compromised between public school and homeschooling, allowing her to be enrolled in the online program secretly. Although, Y/n was fine with meeting new people seperately, she felt as if her anxiety was a burden on her parents. She often tried to fix the issue so she could be announced publicly as their child and become an official inheritant of her mother's position or her father's company, like her parents wanted. But, they were kind and didn't mind their daughter living in secret so much. he was greatful for it.

Y/n hopped into her shower, her clothes resting on her countertop. The stress she had felt from her assignment melted away ith the warm water, she sighed in bliss. Y/n loved her life, of course she didn't have many friends but the pressure to please everyone and be in crowds didn't effect her hardly ever because of her lack of public schooling and just being outside in general.

Besides, she had Cat Noir now and he was her friend. There wasn't anything else she needed.

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