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*Months Later*

         Bailey and Mia had finally gotten past Jesse's death, but they still missed Dom. Vince was around often to help when he could, but he often times didn't know how to help. He had started seeking guidance out of Oliver, but both men came up short after a while. They were barely able to help, but them being there was enough. Letty and Leon weren't around much, but there really wasn't anything anyone could do about that. Letty missed Dom, and no matter how much she cared for the girls, the girls reminded her too much of Dom.

       Today had been Bailey's birthday. She hadn't expected to spend one without Dom. Dom had contacted the girls after a few months of being away, but it wasn't often. He didn't want to get caught and have the girls dragged into it. He had called two days before Bailey's birthday, telling her he was sorry that he couldn't be around, and though it hurt, deep down Bailey understood.

"Are you doing it today?" Mia asked Oliver, and the man nodded.

"Yes, right after she blows out the candles." He replied, causing Mia to grin.

      For Bailey's birthday, Leon, Vince, and Letty showed up. Brian had heard about the party, and though he knew the girl hated him, or he believed she did, he was going to be there for her birthday, since Dom couldn't be there for her.

"Bailey--" He began, when she opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, making him sigh.

"I can to apologize to you, Bailey, and I know you might not like it, but I want to apologize to your sister, and I wanted to be here for your birthday, since Dom couldn't be." He said, causing her to sigh.

"Fine, but I best warn you, the others are here, and they don't exactly like you." Bailey replied, and he nodded.

       Bailey lead Brian into the house, and the others seemed to go quiet when they seen him. Vince went to charge him, but Bailey stepped in front of Brian to block him.

"Vince, no, it's my birthday, man, chill." She said, causing him to growl.

"Do you know what he did? Who he is?" Vince asked, and Bailey nodded.

"Yes, I know. Do you really think that Oli wouldn't tell me everything? I know everything, and yet I'm willing to listen to him. If he can prove reasonable, I may be willing to slowly forgive." She replied, causing Vince to frown.

"It's her birthday, man, don't start anything." Leon murmured, and Vince simply nodded.

        Instead of hanging around, Vince stormed out of the house and left. Bailey simply rolled her eyes, knowing he'd be back eventually, he always was.

"Mia, for my birthday, would you talk to him?" Bailey asked, causing Mia to sigh, but nonetheless, she agreed.

"Time for cake!" Letty exclaimed, breaking the awkwardness in the room.

         Everyone gathered around the table, and Letty lit the candles. Like every birthday since Bailey turned eighteen, Letty placed a shot of vodka in front of her. The group sang to her, before Bailey blew out the candles. Bailey wished for her brother to return, and she had a feeling he would one day. After opening her eyes, Letty pointed behind Bailey.

        Bailey turned around and gasped, Oliver had bent down on one knee, and was holding a beautiful diamond ring in a red velvet box.

"Bailey Toretto, from the moment I saw you in the shop. I was absolutely enamored by you the very moment we met eyes. I knew we were meant to be, and I was willing to move the world for you. I would do absolutely anything to see you smile, and I will continue to do just that. So, with Mia and Dom's blessing, I have one question to ask you. Bailey Toretto, will you marry me?" He asked, and Bailey felt tears come to her eyes.

"Yes!" She cried, and Oliver grinned.

         Oliver slipped the ring on her finger, before he stood and picked her up, twirling her gently in a hug. Everyone cheered for them, and smiles were evident on all of the faces. Secretly, Mia had filmed the moment and sent it to Dom, so he could share in the happiness with them.

"Now, shots!" Leon cheered, filling up more glasses of vodka.

           Mia started videoing again, knowing Dom loved seeing the faces Bailey made every time she took a shot after tasting the icing on the cake. So, first Bailey used her finger to get some icing. She placed the icing on her tongue, then raised the shot glass to her lips. Before she could put any of the alcohol in her mouth, she placed the glass back down.

"What are you doing?" Letty asked,"Take your shot!" She exclaimed, a grin on her face.

          Now was the moment. Bailey could tell them all, and she knew Mia was filming her shot, meaning Dom would know as well. Bailey had been keeping a secret for two months, and finally everyone would be able to find out. We, Vince would find out later, since he had a temper tantrum, but he would know, too. Everyone would know, and the thought made Bailey nervous.

"I-I'm pregnant." Bailey announced, and everything went silent.

"Are you serious?" Oliver asked, his voice low.

"I'm serious." She murmured, causing everyone to cheer again.

        Mia filmed Oliver hugging her, and after Oliver hugged her, so did Brian.

"Congratulations, Bailey. I'm sorry for what happened between us, but I was hoping we could make amends." He commented, and she smiled.

"Of course." She murmured, causing him to smile again.

         Mia then came over, after ending the recording, and she hugged her sister.

"This is to the new beginning, and I have a feeling it'll be better from here." Mia said, as she kissed her sister's cheek.

        The baby was a new beginning, and the family was finally going to have a happier day in the future...


A/N: I  hope you guys liked this chapter. So, that's the end! What do you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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