Chapter Eight

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      When night had come, Bailey told Dom that she was going outside to look at the stars. He believed her, of course, since she had been admiring the stars ever since she was a little girl. When Bailey got outside, she wasn't surprised to see Oliver already outside by her car. She did smile though, especially when she seen that he had brought her a mocha cookie crumble frappuccino from Starbucks.

"What did you want to talk about?" Bailey asked, as she looked up at the stars and took a sip of her drink.

"Bailey, if I told you that I was keeping this huge secret from you and everyone else, and that the secret could hurt many people, would you hate me?" He asked, causing her to quickly look over at him.

"What's the secret? Are you going to tell me the secret?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Promise me, you'll let me talk, and when I'm done, you'll let me explain any questions you have, without running away or jumping to conclusions." He pleaded, making her sigh.

"Whatever you're about to tell me, I promise to listen." She replied, causing him to sigh quietly.

      Oliver could feel his heart practically beating out of his chest. His palms were sweaty, and he felt as though he could pass out at any moment. He had to tell her though, and nothing was going to keep him from doing so.

"Well, first, my name isn't Oliver Lee Spilner, it's Oliver Nicholas O'Conner. My brother, Brian, and I work for the LAPD, and we were put on a case to take down the people who've been hijacking the semi trucks. The day you agreed to being my girlfriend, I quit my job, and refused to work with any of them again. I wasn't going to ruin your life, or your brother and sister's lives.

You mean so much to me, and I didn't want to hurt you. Brian still works there, and I know he's still trying to get information out of Dom. I promise I don't know anything, and if I find out anything, I will tell you. I do know that Brian is the reason Johnny Tran was arrested, and I think it was because he was trying to somehow prove that your brother and the team weren't the hijackers.

I know he's going to keep digging, but I can't do anything about it. I'll make sure to listen, and I'll tell you every little detail that I hear. I am really sorry, Bailey. I really do love you." He said, causing her to frown.

"Was getting with me a part of the job, and a part of taking down my team?" She asked, but he quickly shook his head.

"No! God, no, Bailey," He denied,"The moment I met you, I knew this was all going to change. I knew I wasn't the man I thought I was before. I followed in Brian's footsteps my entire life, but you opened my eyes. I quit for you. I am keeping track of every move Brian makes for you. I love you with my heart and soul, and I would never intentionally hurt you." He replied, and she bit her lip.

"I forgive you," She murmured, causing him to sigh in relief,"but if your brother does anything to mine, you have to promise me, that you'll step back so I can beat the shit out of your brother." She said, making him nod stiffly.

"I will do everything I can to help you and your family, Bailey. I love you." He commented, pulling her into him.

"I love you, too," She replied,"So, am I supposed to keep this from Dom? I mean, he'll kill me if I knew anything and didn't tell him. I--" She rambled, but Oliver cut her off.

"You can't tell him, otherwise you could also be arrested for interfering. You and I both would be arrested. I can't have that happen to you, but if it comes down to it, I'll save your brother." He replied, and she nodded.

"It's getting late, I should head inside before Dom or one of the guys come out to get me." She commented, causing him to chuckle.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Bailey. I love you." He murmured, pulling her into a kiss.

"I love you, too, Oli." She said, before he watched her walk inside.

          Sighing to herself, she went inside and went to the kitchen for a snack. As she grabbed the loaf of bread to make a sandwich, she was startled by a noise in the kitchen. Turning around, she seen Dom standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"Watching the stars, huh?" He commented, making her smile innocently.

"I was watching the stars, Dom." She replied, causing him to scoff.

"Really?" He questioned,"Than where'd you get the coffee?" He asked, and she sighed.

"Fine, you caught me. Oli came by with a coffee, but it was a surprise. He just happened to show up. He said he was bringing it to make up for us having to cut the date short today." She lied, but Dom seemed to believe her.

"I'm sorry about that. I really did think Tran was going to try something." He replied, causing her to shrug.

"It's all good, Oli understood." She answered, and her brother smiled.

"Make me one?" He asked, motioning to the stuff she pulled out for sandwiches.

"Sure." She replied, grabbing a second plate from the cabinet.

        Keeping the secret from Dom was leaving a little weight on her shoulders, but Oliver promised to keep her family safe. If he was going to keep them safe, than she was going to keep her promise to keep everything a secret. If Oliver broke his promise though, she would break hers, and she would make sure he paid for everything he and Brian had done. She did plan to talk to Brian though, even if Oliver wasn't too happy about it...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. There's only a few chapters left!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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