Chapter Two

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        The next night there was a street race happening, and Bailey was excited. She loved going to the race, and she sometimes even got the chance to race. Dom didn't want her racing as much, since he was afraid she'd get hurt. He did believe she was an amazing racer though, but that was a little bias, since she was his sister and he was the one who taught her how to race; with Letty's help of course.

         Once Bailey had gotten ready to go to the race, she slipped into her car and drove herself and Mia to the street race. Bailey and Mia stood together by Bailey's car, watching as hundreds of people crowded the area. Bailey looked across the street and seen Oliver standing on the side, which caused her to smile a little.

         As the people got ready to race, four cars pulled up to the starting line. Bailey easily recognized the Dom in his Mazda RX-7, she had to study the two in the middle to remember who they were. She had heard their names thrown around through the crowd, Danny Yamato was driving the white Honda Civic, and Ediwn was driving a Acura Integra. Her eyes almost bulged out of her head when she seen who was in the fourth car. In a Mitsubishi Eclipse was Brian Spilner, the guy Dom wanted to fight at the shop.

         Bailey shook her head when she watched Brian pull up, since he had passed the line and had to back up. She could tell that he was nervous, and she wanted to try and talk him down from the race, but she also sort of wanted to see him humiliate himself. He didn't look like a street racer, and she wanted him to prove her right. Luckily Leon was ahead of them in his yellow Nissan Skyline GT-R R33,  to warn them if there was any cops. Bailey had a feeling there was going to be cops, so she made sure Mia stayed close to their group.

        When the race began, Bailey watched as Brian seemed to lose control of his car for a moment. He stayed in fourth place for a good bit, but when he hit the nitrous oxide in his car, he was able to make it to second place. Bailey was surprised to say the least, and she was really wanting to see who won the race now. Bailey gasped when she watched Brian's car spark, then he slowly began to pass Dom.

        The end of the race was near, and before Brian could win, Dom passed him and practically flew over the finish line. Everyone clapped and cheered as the racers returned, and everyone knew Dom had won again. He was notorious for winning races. Bailey walked over towards Dom, as she glanced a couple of times to try and find Brian. Slowly Brian's car pulled up and came to a stop. Brian stepped out of his car and slammed the door, a smile was still on his face. Bailey watched as they opened the hood and a crap ton of smoke came out.

"What are you smiling about?" Dom asked, seeing that Brian just couldn't wipe that smile off his face.

"Dude, I almost had you." Brian replied, causing everyone to laugh.

"You almost had me?" Dom mocked, walking closer to Brian,"You never had me! You never had your car! Granny shiftin', not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake," He growled,"You almost had me?" He mocked again,"Now me and the mad scientist gotta rip apart the block, and replace the piston rings you fried!" He exclaimed,"Ask any racer, any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning." He said, and the crowd all shouted in agreement.

        Bailey watched as everyone began to back up from the scene a bit, before she started hearing shouts that the cops were coming. She quickly ran to her car, and seen Mia leave with one of the team.

"Yo! Oliver! Get in!" She exclaimed, as she started her car.

          As soon as Oliver was in the car, Bailey drove as fast as she could to get away from the area. She knew she couldn't get caught, otherwise it would fall on Dom. She might not have raced at this race, but she was there, so she'd be guilty by association, just like everyone else at the race.

"You're not a terrible racer like your brother, are you?" Bailey asked Oliver, causing him to chuckle.

"I like to watch races, but I don't participate." He replied, and she nodded.

"Do you know how to race?" She asked, but he shook his head.

"No, that was all Brian." He answered, causing her to laugh.

"Stick around long enough, and I might teach you a thing or two. Just don't step on Dom's toes, and everything will be fine." She said, and he nodded.

          Bailey pulled up to her home, and parked in the back. Many others followed suit, and she was a bit disappointed when she seen that Dom wasn't with them.

"Where's Dom?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"You brought the Buster's brother with you? Are you stupid or somethin'?" Vince spat, glaring down at Bailey.

"Hey, man, back off." Oliver retorted, causing Vince to chuckle menacingly.

"What're you going to do about it, asshole?" Vince sneered, but Bailey wasn't having it.

"Seriously Vince, if you don't back the fuck up, you're gonna get smacked the fuck up." She spat, and all he did was scoff and walk away.

        Bailey couldn't believe these assholes were starting a house party, when Dom was obviously still out there. She knew there was a chance he could've been arrested, and she doubted she'd be able to bail him out again. The police were angry with their family, so there was no way she could get him out of it if he was in trouble...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry for taking months and months to update. I am going to work on this book until I am completely finished with it. This story will be a short story, and a bit of an AU, so please be warned before you continue to read.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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