Chapter Six

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      After blow drying Bailey's hair, Mia added a bit of waves to her hair. She placed a ponytail on the girl's wrist, so she could put her hair up if she got too hot. Mia then quickly did the girl's makeup, before telling the girl to quickly change.

       Bailey slipped on the clothes, and she put on the necklace Mia had given her. Normally Dom wanted his sisters to wear shirts that didn't show skin, but he realized early on that Bailey was more rebellious, so he allowed her to wear crop tops, as long as her breasts were mostly covered. He didn't want his sisters dressing like the girls at the races.

       While she was getting dressed, she heard a knock at the front door. She was positive it was Oliver, so she dressed as quickly as she could. Once she was dressed, she grabbed her small bag and left her room. Looking down the stairs, she seen Dom talking to Oliver near the door.

"And if you hurt her, I--" Dom was saying, but Bailey cut him off.

"Dom!" She exclaimed, catching both men's attention,"He gets it, but he and I have to go. We'll see you later." Bailey said, as she came down the stairs.

       Dom simply nodded, before he kissed his sister's head. She smiled at him, then grabbed Oliver's hand and left the house. Oliver drove them down to a cute diner he had found, which he had decided was perfect for their first date.

"I almost thought Dom wasn't going to let me bring you out." Oliver commented, and Bailey laughed.

"I know, and I honestly thought the same. When I told him about the date, I thought he was going to lock me in his garage and keep me there for the rest of my life." Bailey replied, causing Oliver to laugh as well.

"So, let's do the awkward date talk real quick. Tell me about yourself, and what you wanted to be when you graduated high school." He said, and she nodded.

"Well, I'm the youngest of my siblings. My parents are dead, which sucks. Dom pretty much raised me, but that's chill. I love racing, but I don't get to very often. Dom doesn't want me to get hurt, and I understand where he's coming from. After high school, I wanted to go to college to write or something, but around that time, I had a lot of things going on, so I chose to forget about college. I did learn all about racing though, but that started my last year of high school. Ever since than, I've been learning about cars, and I've not worried about going to school again." Bailey stated, and Oliver nodded as he listened to her story.

"Well, Brian and I are the only two siblings, and I'm the youngest. We pretty much do everything together. We never really met our father, and out mother raised us on her own. We had a pretty normal life, and we both went to college. Honestly, it's a little weird, but we both went into the same field of study," Oliver explained, but when he realized he needed to change something, he went quiet for a second, which raised question for Bailey,"Then Brian went into cars, and I started watching races. That's pretty much it. We moved here for a new start, after we fell out with our friend Roman." He added, and Bailey nodded.

"Oliver, are you lying to me about anything?" She asked, causing his eyes to go wide.

"N-no, why would you think that?" He asked, making her frown.

"Well, you stopped talking about college, and you just kind of cut it short." She replied, making him sigh.

"When we were in college, our mom passed away. That's why we came here, and why Brian is so into cars." Oliver said, being pretty honest, but not completely, yet Bailey didn't know that.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Oliver. I never should've asked. That was so insensitive of me." She murmured, causing him to shake his head.

"It's fine, believe me." He replied, smiling at the girl.

        After the two were done eating, Bailey and Oliver went back out to Oliver's car. Before Bailey could get in the car though, Oliver grabbed her hand and had her lean against the side of the car, as he stood in front of her with his hands on her hips.

"I really had fun tonight, and I hope you'd like to go on another date with me soon." He said, and she nodded.

"I had fun, too, so I'd really like to go on another date with you." She replied, causing him to smile.

"Would you believe me, if I told you that the moment I met you, I knew I had to have you. It was as if I had known you my whole life; like I wanted to protect you from the world." He commented, making her smile.

"I feel the same way. Maybe we were meant to be; maybe it's fate." She murmured, and he nodded.

"Maybe," He mumbled,"Bailey," He murmured, getting her attention,"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked, causing her to smile.

"I would love to be your girlfriend, Oliver." Sbe replied, and he leaned forward and kissed her.

       Knowing she was his girlfriend, and knowing that she felt the same way about him as he did with her, he started to question himself once again. He had already talked to Brian about quitting the case, and maybe the job in general, but Brian told him he needed to take time and think about it. Oliver didn't want to hurt Bailey though, so he was sure of himself when he made a mental note to quit his job the very next morning. He needed to come clean to Bailey, especially if their relationship was going to last, but he didn't know how she'd handle it. He couldn't lose her, and he wasn't going to allow the job to ruin anything for him...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. The two will have another date before he even decides what he's going to do.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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