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Hi! I am back! It may take some time for the next chapter AND please please please do send in ideas because i am running a bit dry lmao

So sorry that this chapter is a bit short, Atsushi's POV is a bit hard for me. Feel free to  leave some constructive criticism about my characterization btw


Please read the warnings before every chapter.

TW/CW: GORE, Graphic child abuse, graphic violence, abuse/torture, Mori Ougai, Mori being fucking nasty, emetophobia, pedophilia, slight sexual content

Stay safe. Seriously. TLDR at the end.


The next scene was a bit of a surprise. Atsushi had never been in the mafia headquarters, so the room was unfamiliar.

He managed to catch his breath from the void quickly but he still hiccuped and gasped from crying. He would be embarrassed for crying so hard if everyone else wasn't also doing so. Even Akutagawa was crying, which was a bit disconcerting to see.

He took a few deep breaths, still hiccuping, and looked around. They were in Mori's office, he guessed. It was a big room with a massive wall of windows, two huge doors, and a big desk. Something about the room made him nauseous, though the man sitting at the desk could have had something to do with that as well.

He'd already hated the mafia boss, finding him unsettling and cruel. Now? Atsushi would gladly tear the bastard's head off.

Besides the boss, however, Dazai was also in the room. He was wearing actual clothes (thank god) and had a large black coat draped over his shoulders. The bandages over his eye were still in place, and one of his arms was placed in a cast. The two stared at each other silently, neither saying or doing anything, like a game of chicken. Chuuya looked around with a wide-eyed expression.

"I know when this is..." He said, voice a bit raw. Everyone turned to look at him. "This is like...right after I met the mackerel. My first time in the mafia building, he stayed in here while Hirotsu led me to my room..." He furrowed his brow as he spoke, clearly dreading what they would see this time. "I think he was around 15 at the time." Almost as soon as he finished, Mori spoke up.

"That Nakahara...he's a handsome young boy, huh?" He said, voice still the same sickeningly sweet drawl. Dazai visibly stiffened at that.

"Isn't he a bit too old for you?" He scoffed, taking a surprisingly disrespectful tone compared to the past memories. Mori laughed uproariously.

"Aww, are you jealous, Osamu?" He stood and made his way around his desk, stopping on the other side to lean against it. "Don't worry. You're still my favorite doll." He cooed. Dazai didn't respond or move. "I wonder though..." Mori started, eyes glinting with a malicious edge. "It never hurts to have more toys, right?" Dazai reacted to that. He straightened up almost alarmingly fast.

"Don't touch him." He said, and it tore at Atsushi's heart to hear how his mentor's voice shook. Mori grinned, not responding. Dazai pushed. "Don't touch him the way you touch me."

"Oh? What exactly is that supposed to mean?" Mori asked, smile turning sadistic, "You have to explain more clearly, Osamu." Dazai looked at the ground and tensed up dramatically.

"Don't....Don't...." He choked and trailed off as he shivered sharply. Mori was dead silent, staring at him coldly. Dazai took a deep, shaky breath and continued. "Don't...fuck him." Atsushi gagged quietly at the confirmation, he heard Kunikida and Akutagawa do the same. Chuuya gave an enraged snarl but it was dampened by the rawness of his voice- he very clearly was crying.

"Is that all?" Mori said, voice disgustingly heated. "That isn't much of a limitation, you know." Dazai squeezed his eyes shut.

"Don't fuck him. Don't kiss him. Don't use him. Don't hit him or cut him or burn him. Don't hurt him in general." He looked up, voice shaky and expression looking nauseated. Mori was still silent, staring at him, forcing him to keep talking. "You...you don't have to have him...you can have me instead, right?" The desperation in his voice sent another wave of tears down Atsushi's face.

"Oh? Are you offering yourself to me, Osamu?" Mori cooed, straightening up and folding his arms behind his back. Dazai looked at the ground, eyes wide and unseeing. "If you don't want me to touch him, ask me properly. You know what to say."

"Sir..." Dazai started, squeezing his eyes shut again. "Please...please use me instead of him. I want you to use me. Please." Atsushi bent over and puked, unable to stomach it any longer. Mori grinned and flushed disgustingly.

"Aww. How cute my little doll is. Begging me to use it." He turned to grab something out of a shelf next to his desk. "Well, since you asked so nicely, how could I possibly refuse?"

Dazai was deathly still, standing where he'd been before and staring at the ground with wide eyes again. Atsushi was faintly aware of his three companions all in various states of anger or sorrow, and he could definitely tell that they were all crying. The acidic smell cued him off to the fact that one of the others had puked too.

He was forced to face where his mentor was standing again as the sick sadist walked back over. Atsushi's blood ran icy cold. He was carefully carrying a long spool of barbed wire. Dazai shivered but didn't react otherwise. Atsushi had the chilling thought that this probably had happened before.

Mori sat in his chair and then patted his knee like he was beckoning a dog. Atsushi wanted to scream when Dazai just quietly and obediently walked over and sat on his lap. He heard Akutagawa gag next to him but didn't react. The tiger in his rib cage has been roaring and raging this whole time, raking its claws on his ribs and screaming its protective hatred. Atsushi just quietly let it, feeling a similar rage. Tears poured down his face, they hadn't stopped since this had started. He wondered how many more memories they would have to see. How many more he could take until he'd run out of tears.

He watched quietly, sobbing and occasionally gagging as Mori began to wrap Dazai's limbs in barbed wire. It was tight, tight enough to draw blood whenever the boy moved. Mori hummed quietly and sporadically tugged Dazai's head to his to kiss him. The whole time, Dazai was deathly silent, crying and shaking but not saying a single word or making a single sound.

After both of his arms, his legs, and his waist were tightly wrapped and Dazai was only wearing boxers and bandages, Mori took the length of barbed wire that remained and wrapped it carefully around the boy's neck. When he was seemingly satisfied, he cooed and pulled Dazai into another kiss.

"Now, Osamu, make me feel good." He said, grinning and already disgustingly flushed.

Dazai didn't respond at first, completely still besides his occasional shivers. His expression was flat and his eyes were disturbingly dull, looking more like a corpse than a living person. Mori's gaze sharpened and one of his hands darted away from Dazai's hips and flew to his messy, brown hair. He tugged his head back dramatically, exposing the boy's throat. The barbed wire on his neck tore into the flesh with a horrible sound and Atsushi gagged. Dazai's face contorted with pain and he was quiet for a moment longer. As Mori continued to tug his head further back and occasionally pulled on the wire around his waist to make it dig in more, his composure broke and he let out a pained gasp.

"Please, please, please-" He rasped, voice weak as he clearly tried not to move much and damage his neck more. "I'm sorry, I'll do whatever you want. I'll make you feel good. Please-"

Mori cut him off by shoving his head forward and kissing him forcefully. When Dazai didn't start doing whatever he was expecting, he gave a threatening tug on the wire around his neck again.

Atsushi almost sobbed with something between horror and thankfulness as his vision began to be replaced by that black void again. Moments before it overtook him, he heard a faint moan. If the void hadn't stolen the air from his chest, he would have thrown up. 



The gang ends up in Mori's office right after the initial meeting with Chuuya! Mori is gross and makes some creepy comments about our favorite redhead and Dazai doesn't appreciate it. He tells Mori not to touch Chuuya, and that he'll do what he wants instead. Mori decides that he wants to wrap Dazai in barbed wire and uhhh get gross. Atsushi doesn't appreciate it, neither does anyone else.

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