234 12 17

Very short, I apologize. Please read the warnings before every chapter.
TW/CW: mental breakdowns(???), blood, fighting/violence
Stay safe.


 Nothing happened. No sudden attack, no dismembered people, nothing. Atsushi opened his eyes, having squeezed them shut before touching it. His expression shifted from anxious fear to anxious awe.

"It's...it's cold." He said softly, his voice almost vanishing under the roar of the column itself. He took one more deep breath, and with a glance at the other three, he stepped fully into the column. The others followed close behind, keeping contact.

Inside the column was very different from the outside. The wild wind had eased to an icy breeze. The light strands inside moved much slower, almost leisurely. The roar of the wind and the ruckus from the hallucinating people was completely muted. A new sound replaced it, though.

A single ravaged scream echoed throughout the space, raw and hoarse in a way that was hard to listen to. They finally got a good look at Dazai and fear shot through Chuuya's veins.

Dazai's face was covered in blood, streaming from his eyes, nose, and mouth. His expression was contorted into one of sheer panic, terror twisting his face and locking his mouth into a constant scream. He was curled up tightly, knees drawn to his chest where he hovered in the air. His hands were tightly balled up in his hair, tearing at it desperately.

"Dazai-san!" Atsushi yelped, tears already slipping from his eyes. He stumbled a bit closer to the center of the column. Akutagawa followed him, eyes wide and expression one of blank shock. Kunikida hung back, face tight with concern. Chuuya felt his heart pounding painfully against his ribcage. This was not good. Fear made his gut twist sharply. The bandaged man had lost a lot of blood already, the red liquid swirling around him like a series of strange halos.

"Atsushi, hold on. We have to think about this. He's not doing well at all. If we don't get him down soon he'll die, no question about it. We can't reach him like this." The redhead said, drawing the black-haired boy closer to him and motioning for Kunikida to do the same for the weretiger.

"Exactly! We have to do something!" He pleaded, voice trembling. He turned back to Dazai, straining as far as he could with Kunikida still gripping his shirt. "Dazai-san! Please! We're here!" He shouted. Chuuya felt bad for the kid but there was no way that would-

The scream cut off for a moment, quickly being replaced by a panicked, hoarse sound. Much to the redhead's surprise, Dazai seemed to register the words.

"No, no, no, no, no! You're dead! You're dead and you're gone and it's over and you're dead!" He screamed, blood flooding from his mouth and choking his words. Chuuya was startled by the way he sounded, it was as if a dozen people were speaking at once when he spoke. Atsushi persisted.

"We're alive! We're right here! Open your eyes! We're here for you!" He shouted, voice raw and breaking from the tears streaming down his face. Akutagawa stepped forward.

"Dazai-san! You have to stop this!" He shouted, his voice joining Atsushi's. Dazai screamed and began to sob, curling up impossibly tighter.

"You're lying! You're lying and you're gone! You're dead you're dead you're dead! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so so sorry!" He screamed.

Chuuya was about to say fuck it and join them when someone grabbed his shoulder. He whirled around, ready to attack whoever it was, and he was met by a sadistic, wild smile and a hand missing two fingers. 

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