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 Hello! After getting a fairly good response to my question in the last update, I decided to stay with my current storyline and risk the Gross Parts. I'll try and update again soon, but I'm in the middle of moving so it may be a bit slow.

Please read the warnings before every chapter.

TW/CW: GORE, Graphic child abuse, graphic violence, surgical abuse/torture, eye trauma, pedophilia, Mori Ougai

Stay safe. Seriously. TLDR at the end.


Chuuya expected the suffocating darkness this time, so he felt slightly less like he was on the verge of death when the void spit him back out. He landed hard on his stomach, air knocked out of his chest from the impact. He eased himself up onto his elbows and just took a moment to breathe.

He glanced around and found they were in the same room. It was definitely different though. The rugs were gone, as were most of the shelves. The windows had blinds drawn over them, making it eerily dark. Chuuya looked at the bed on instinct and froze. Dazai, maybe only a year older than last time, was sitting on the edge of the bed again. He looked even more injured, bandages on one of his legs, part of his arm, and his chest. He was wearing an unsettlingly revealing shirt, it barely hid any of his battered body. Mori was lying in bed next to him.

Everyone in the mafia had heard the rumors. That the way the boss acted around children was weird and gross. That he was a perv and a pedo. Chuuya had never wanted those rumors to be false as much as he did right then. He twisted to look at the other three. Akutagawa was looking firmly at the ground, as if refusing to acknowledge the meaning of the scene in front of them. Kunikida was similarly looking away, brows drawn tightly together. Atsushi looked faintly green. The weretiger hadn't even stopped crying from the last memory yet.

He looked back at the bed in time to see Mori sit up. He turned towards the unresponsive Dazai and forcefully reached around him to grab his chin. With a grin he pulled the boy in and kissed him. Dazai stayed completely limp, eyes not even closing at the action, like a doll.

"Osamuu," The boss said, "I have an idea for a new game." Dazai flinched slightly, in response to which Mori grinned wider. The boss stood and walked over to the metal table, pulling a box off the desk next to it. Dazai, after a moment, stood and sat on the table again.

Mori pulled out a needle and a little vial of liquid. He hummed as he busied himself with filling the syringe. Dazai stayed deathly still.

"Now, Osamu, this will be a new kind of game. You know that I always do my best to keep you...in one piece, right?" Mori said, grabbing a few more tools. "We're gonna try something to see if we can break that rule, just once. How about it?" He turned around, holding the syringe that was now full of a green-ish liquid. Dazai stayed silent but he looked a little uneasy. Chuuya would give anything to actually be there in that moment, so he could beat the fuck out of the sadistic bastard for literally torturing a kid.

Mori stepped forward, shoving Dazai down so he was laying on his back on the metal table. Chuuya's gut churned violently as the doctor pinned down the boy's head, forcing his right eye open. Dazai shivered, trying to pull away but not being able to. Mori grinned and raised the needle.

Chuuya couldn't watch this. His stomach wasn't going to handle that. He found that all the others were looking away too, in various states of anger or nausea. Chuuya recalled always seeing Dazai with a bandage over his eye when he joined the Mafia. He wondered if this had anything to do with it. He flinched sharply as the screaming started. He could hear Dazai thrashing. After a few seconds he stopped, sharp, gasping breaths the only sound. Mori laughed.

"See, Osamu? All of that squirming for nothing. Just a little needle." He paused for a moment. "Now, let's make this easier for both of us." The sounds of leather and metal made Chuuya hesitantly look back over. His stomach twisted violently at the sight of the syringe sticking out of Dazai's eye, being held precariously in place by only one of Mori's hands.

The doctor was, meanwhile, tying the boy's wrists and ankles to the table with thick leather straps. Chuuya forced himself to look at the needle again and found that it was still full of the strange green liquid. As soon as Mori straightened up and tightened his grasp on the needle again, Chuuya looked away.

"Osamu," Mori practically moaned, smile audible in his breathy voice, "Be as loud as you want to be now, okay? You sound so sweet when you cry." Chuuya gagged just at the words. This guy was disgusting. He almost wanted to voice his disgust but before he could, the most gut-wrenching scream he'd ever heard rang out. Dazai sobbed and screamed, Chuuya could hear the boy straining against the straps. The screaming seemed to go on forever, like they were stuck in hell. Finally, a sickening suction noise rang out and the screaming cut off with a choked gag.

"Come now, Osamu. You'll make it worse if you thrash like that." Chuuya could almost hear Mori's smile as he spoke. "How about this, if you stay still for 10 seconds, I'll clean it up and make it stop hurting." Dazai was gasping for breath, audibly crying. A little whimper seemed to communicate agreement. "Very good. We're starting right now."

Chuuya still couldn't bring himself to look, but Dazai started screaming again. He could hear the leather creaking as the boy probably tensed up, but the earlier thrashing didn't start again. He kept hyperventilating and crying and screaming. Chuuya could faintly register Mori counting in the background.

Another sickening suction sound and Mori stopped counting.

"Very good, Osamu." He cooed, sounding oddly breathless. Chuuya's stomach was still violently twisting but he forced himself to look back over. It was a bad idea.

Dazai's wrists and ankles were rubbed raw and bleeding from the straps. His chest heaved desperately, and from the angle of the table he could clearly see that he was crying. He caught sight of something white-ish glimmering on the boy's bare chest and he cursed sharply as bile rose in his throat. He heard Atsushi begin to shuffle so he could look too and he practically lunged at the boy to turn his head away from the scene. He stared firmly at the ground, waiting for his stomach to settle somewhat.

"Don't. Don't fucking look at him." He choked out. "He wouldn't want us to see this. Nobody fucking look at him."

The longer they were in these memories, the more Chuuya had to face a sharp truth. If they made it out of this alive, he wouldn't be able to stay in the mafia. He wouldn't be able to handle it, seeing Mori every day. Seeing his sick grin and only thinking of Dazai, young and afraid and in pain, screaming. Seeing him twirling a scalpel and only thinking of the fact that this sick fucking man had orgasmed to torturing a kid.

Bile rose in his throat just as the darkness consumed them again, and Chuuya quietly prayed to whatever god was listening that he would get the honor of giving Mori a slow death.



Mori surgically tortures 9-10 year old Dazai with acid, making him lose his sight in his right eye. He is also very explicitly a disgusting pedophile. 

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