232 11 14

Again, very short, I apologize. Please read the warnings before every chapter.
TW/CW: mental breakdowns(???), blood, fighting/violence
Stay safe.


 Mori laughed hysterically.

"Osamu! Osamu, my masterpiece, come to me! You belong to me! You're my prodigy, my toy, my demon! Come to me and kill them!" He shouted, eyes so wide that it looked painful.

Everything froze, every strand of light stopped deathly still, the wind vanished, the screaming and sobbing fell eerily silent. Dazai slowly straightened up, grotesquely bloodied face looking down at them with cold apathy and anger. The expression sent ice down Chuuya's spine. He looked like the demon he had been named after at that moment.

Mori laughed again, grinning.

"Yes! Yes, be my demon once more!" His bloodied hand began to leave a stain on Chuuya's shirt but he was too stunned by the situation to push him away.

"You ruined me," Dazai said, voice still echoing and cold. "You ruined me you ruined me you ruined me." The words seemed to bounce around the space, repeating endlessly. His voice was magnified. Chuuya couldn't help but think of a chorus, announcing Mori's sins to the world. The boss' smile had fallen slightly.

"Osamu, please, you know I would never do anything to hurt you. You're my masterpiece! Everything I did was for you! To strengthen you and fix you! You're mine! I always take care of what is mine!" He said, voice disgustingly sweet.

Everything fell dark. The glowing strands turned dark, blood red. The fog still coating the ground turned pitch black once more. Chuuya's stomach twisted sharply. It was eerily dark, the brightest source of light was Dazai's eyes, as they glowed bright red.

"You. Ruined. Me." He said again. "If you've forgotten, I can show you what you did so you can suffer before I tear you to shreds."

Mori opened his mouth as if to speak but before he could everything went pitch black. It wasn't the absence of light, it was the absence of everything. No sound, no light, no ground, no air. Chuuya was convinced that he had just died. He had never experienced anything like this. It was suffocating, like the darkness itself was flooding into his lungs and drowning him, like the void around him was tearing the air out of his chest. He opened his mouth to scream but before the sound could form everything came flooding back.

He collapsed to his knees, gripping his chest and throat. He gasped for breath and almost cried. He had never felt more thankful for the feeling of air in his lungs. When the dark spots finally left his vision, he glanced around and found the two detectives and Akutagawa in similar states. Mori was nowhere to be seen.

"What-" He paused, coughing and grimacing, "What the hell was that?" His voice was raspy and weak.

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