"I'm real"

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Jacobs POV

I was used to the constant fear and pain I felt now and it wasn't even mine. I felt my own pain then right on top of it was Wrens emotions. I've spent the days either with her, River, or at my dads home. I haven't been able to set foot in our cottage, it reminded me to much of her. I only had to wait two more days. If she wasn't awake by then then I had full permission to kill the Cullens. 

Emily volunteered to watch River for the night but I didn't get to hide out for long because in the morning Sam dragged me out of my dads house to go down to the beach with the pack and River. He literally dragged me out. My dads door is broken. I'll replace it when I get back.

I let a smile appear on my face when River came running towards me with a shell in his hands and pushed it into mine. "Shell." He said quickly and I lifted him up. 

"Good job buddy." He seemed pleased with himself before taking the shell back and running his fingers over it. 

"For mama." River spoke even more now but it was always just a few words at once. I tried not to wince and nodded my head. For someone so young River seemed to somewhat understand what was happening with Wren. Some days he would come and get one of us and pull us after him until we followed him outside so he could sit and play with his trucks beside Wren. He wouldn't talk, wouldn't try to wake her up, he just wanted to be near her. 

"You can give it to her when we get home." He smiled and wiggled out of my arms before putting it in my pocket. 

"River!" Grey yelled from the water making the boy turn his head. "Come on!" He waved him over and River grabbed one of my fingers before running towards the water and pulling me with him. The guys were playing Chicken and I set River on my shoulders as he giggled and kicked his feet. 

The sinking feeling in my chest wasn't going away as long as Wren was out but I felt a bit better knowing she would be proud of me for still interacting with the pack and taking care of River. 

Wrens POV

When I woke up again I was in Sam and Emily's back yard and alone as usual. The only difference was that I was naked for some reason. I'd gone through these horrible nightmares a million times and although I know they're just dreams I wasn't going through this naked. I didn't  care if satan himself was waiting for me inside the house as I walked inside and towards my old room where some clothes were waiting for me in the closet. 

I changed and checked myself in the mirror but I was surprised to see no blood on my body. I was ready for anything at this point so I doubt I will be surprised at whatever my mind comes up to torture me this time. I walked into the kitchen and wasn't surprised when it was empty. I was surprised by how hungry I felt when I saw an apple on the counter and grabbed it before taking a bite. I'm not gonna lie I was waiting for it to poison me or something but nothing happened as I finished it and tossed the core in the trash. I walked out to the front porch and sat on the new hammock bench that the guys had put up and closed my eyes. 

Nothing had come to kill me or torture me yet but I wasn't complaining. It was nice to have a bit of peace. That was until I heard voices getting closer to me then someone yell my name in shock. I didn't even open my eyes. I've had this nightmare before. I woke up in my room and went into the kitchen when I heard excited yelling outside then Jacob walked in and was shocked to see me awake. At least I thought I was awake. Everyone came in and hugged me and I felt genuinely happy for a moment until then the guys started to fight and then died. It made no sense but the reason it hurt me most is because I really did think I was awake. I thought I was finally seeing my family again. Then they were just gone. 

"Wren? Is that you?" I heard someone call out to me again but I just hummed in response without opening my eyes. I didn't want to look at them. I didn't want to see them being torn away from me again. I felt the swing move as someone sat down beside me and rest a hand on my cheek, turning my head towards them. 

"Wren, open your eyes." My heart broke when I heard Jacob. I missed him more than anything. 

"I don't want to." I whispered. "Your not real. I can't watch you disappear again." 

"I'm real." He whispered, his voice cracking. "Open your eyes, i'm not going to disappear. I'm right here and I'm not leaving." I slowly opened my eyes to see everyone standing around me. Everyone was really there. Sam, Emily, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quill, Seth, Grey and Dakota, Hunter, Leah, Chase, Brady, Jack, and Jacob. My Jacob was here. He was right in front of me. 

"Mama!" I heard a small voice yell as River wiggled out of Emily's grasp and came running towards me, jumping into my lap and hugging me tight. I hugged him back, burying my face in his blond curls.

"Hi bub." I laugh lightly. "Since when can you talk?" 

"He's been talking a lot while you were out." Paul said before handing River to Embry and practically lifting me off the ground into a hug. "Don't even do that again princess. We thought you were a gonner." I laughed and hugged him back. 

"You can't get rid of my that easy." Everyone took their turns hugging me until Jacob came over and reclaimed me. 

"Let's give them some space." Emily's aid softly before hurting everyone into the house. Jake wrapped his arms around my waist and I hugged him tight, burying my head in his chest. 

"I thought I had lost you. You think it was bad the other times? Wren, I could feel every bit of fear and pain you felt along with my own. If you had died I would've died with you." I nodded before reaching up and pressing my lips to his. He immediately kissed me back, pulling me against him until there was no space left. When we pulled away I was breathless and I pressed my forehead to his. 

"If I'm dreaming right now, if this is all fake, I won't be able to stand it. I can't watch you all disappear again." I felt tears trickle down my cheeks and Jake slowly lifted his hand and wiped them away. 

"You aren't dreaming, I promise. Can I show you something?" I nodded and he gently took my hands in his. "I learned this from my dad." He told me as he spread out my fingers. "You can't count or read when you asleep. Look, count your fingers." I just looked stupidly at my hands and he slowly moved one. "One," he moved the next one "two," 

"Three." I took a deep breath and kept going with him until we counted to ten. I could count. I was awake. I smiled at our hands and Jake kissed my forehead. 

"See, not dreaming." I nodded and hugged him again. He held me in his arms as I took a deep breath. I took in his scent and it made me happy. I could feel him, see him, smell him, he was here. And he wasn't going to disappear.

A/n: I know this is a shorter chapter but yay Wrens awake! 

(Next one will be longer)

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