Piece by Piece

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T/W: Mentions of ED. Do not read if it makes you uncomfortable.

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The pack was in the living room talking, minus Wren, she hadn't come out of her room much for the entire three weeks although she would let anyone in if they ever wanted to talk. "Sam we have to do something. Don't you see what's happening to her? It's the damn imprint bond! Imprints shouldn't be apart for this long and it's hurting her even more than she already is!" Jared and Sam had both experienced the effects of being away from their imprints for a long time and knew what it felt like. 

"We're doing what we can and you know that, Jacobs cut off connections, blocked his mind. I can't even command him to come back until I can talk to him." Sam felt the worst about the whole situation. As Alpha it was his job to take care of the pack and he blamed himself for on of his wolves hurting while the other was gone. 

"I still can't believe she would do that." Seth said while shaking his head. The entire pack knew about Wrens attempt to end it by now no matter how hard Embry had tried to keep it quiet.

"She wasn't thinking straight, she was in pain." Embry said. He hadn't been himself the past few days, none of the pack had. The house phone suddenly starting ringing, breaking the depressing silence. Emily answered before any of the boys could move. 

"Hello? Hi how have you been? Mhm. She's in her room, she hasn't  come out much since he left. Alright I'll tell her, one second." The boys all exchanged glances, no doubt that Emily was talking about Wren. Suddenly Wren appeared at the entrance of the hall, her large oversized sweatshirt wrapped around her body. Before she had a chance to say anything though Emily handed her the phone with a smile. Wren took it, confusion written on her face but she immediately smiled when she pressed it to her ear.

"Hi Caleb." The others watched her cautiously, ready to jump up if something happened. They were all taken by surprise at the girls appearance. It was obvious that she had lost a lot of weight and there were dark circles under her eyes. The dark circles seemed to fade slightly as she smiled. "I'm ok." The smile on her face suddenly vanished. "No I'm not doing it again. Can we not talk about this now?" She shot a wary glance to the pack. 

"Ok, give me a second." Wren pulled the phone from her ear and looked towards Embry. "He wants to talk to you. I don't know why I don't think he's mad or anything." Embry stood up and walked towards the phone, taking it from the girl not failing to notice how frail she looked. 

"Hey man what's up?" Embry spoke into the phone as Wren walked over to sit in between Seth and Pual, both giving her a hug. Seth kept a arm wrapped around her, not failing to notice how boney her shoulder felt. "To be honest.. I don't think so. I mean I've seen her take meals to her room but I've never seen her actually eat it." Embry whispered into the phone, attempting not to be heard but failed as all eyes turned to Wren. "Ok I'll try. See you soon." Embry hung up the phone before walking towards the group.

"Anyone want to go cliff diving?" Embry asked, mostly looking at Wren. 

"Since when do you decide what we do Call?" Paul asked and Wren gave a small smile.

"Just an a idea calm down. Sam can we go?" Embry asked the Alpha, sending him a pleading look. 

"I guess, I'll take patrol." He replied gruffly and turned to leave. 

"Come on Sam, come with us! The leaches can look after things for a bit." Seth begged, giving his cute puppy dog eyes that for some reason worked like magic with him. Sam looked like he would deny the offer but finally smiled and nodded. 

"Fine, let's go we're running." The boy swooped and cheered as they jumped up and ran outside, not bothering to pull there clothes off as they phased. Wren didn't move from her spot as she watched them go. She was about to go back to her room when Embry came jogging back into the house. 

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