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"Wren where are you going?" I had shifted back after running a few miles and sure enough Seth had followed me. Sam had already explained to me that he had started to see my as a older sister since Leah wasn't around very often. I had only met the girl once and she didn't seem to like me very much.

"To the clearing. I'm going to ask Carlisle to try and convince Sam to let me fight." I kept trudging through the forest. I was only about a mile from the clearing now but I had shifted back so Jake wouldn't hear my thoughts and try and stop me.

"I'm coming too." The boy was only a few steps behind me and he jogged ahead to walk by my side.

"Go home Seth." I kept walking, not even glancing at the teen.

"No, whenever your not around they treat me more like a kid then they already do. Im sick of it." 

"Seth your fifteen, it's their job to take care of you." I continued walking. I would arrive soon and I didn't really want him with me, he hadn't met the Cullens yet and I didn't want him reacting badly.

"Wren your 16, it's their job to take care of you too. We all take care of each other." 

"No it's your guys job to take care of each other, I'm the outsider Seth. I came into this pack because they let me in by pity. I'm the girl who's family died on her birthday, I'm the girl who lived in the woods because she had nothing." 

"Wait what? Wren what do you mean you-" 

"Never mind we're here. If anything happens shift and run ok? And don't say anything unless you have to, you haven't met vampires before Seth so be careful." I mentally hit myself for the slip up as we walked into the clearing. We were immediately met with three sets of eyes watching us from across the clearing.

"Hello Carlisle, I was hoping to talk to you before you all left. Has Jacob already been here?" I met the clan halfway as Seth stayed slightly behind me. I trusted a few of the Cullens but not enough to trust them around him. I started to care for Seth as a little brother and I didn't want anything to happen to him.

"Hello Wren. I understand you want to talk to me? Alice saw you coming." The Small vampire next to him waved to me and I gave her a small smile before turning my attention back to Carlisle.

"Yes I was wondering if you could help me, I'm trying to convince Sam that I can fight and I figured maybe you could talk some sense into him. I want to help Carlisle, you saw me fight I can do it! I just need him to give me a chance." I begged the vampire to help me. I didn't want to be helpless, I want to help.

"I'd like to help you Wren but unfortunately there not much I can do. The pack doesn't fully trust us yet even if you do." I wanted to argue that I didn't really trust them but I decided now wasn't the time. I just nodded my head and thanked him before grabbing Seth's hand and pulling him along with me. 

"Go home Seth I'm going to go for a run." I turned from the boy and got ready to shift but froze when I felt his hand on my shoulder. 

"No Wren your coming back with me, last time you ran off alone you got hurt and Jacob won't admit it but I know he blames me. Besides the guys will already be worried." I considered shoving the boy off and leaving but decided against it. I had already put him through hell when I got hurt. Emily told me he thought it was his fault even though it wasn't.

"Fine let's go." I took my top layer of clothes up and tied them around my ankle before shifting and running towards the house followed by Seth. We were met by Jacob who was already shifted and at the mountain.

What's going on?  Why are you Guys shifted? Did something happen?

No calm down Jake we were just going on a walk and decided to run back. What time do we need to be there tomorrow? I was doing my best to keep my thoughts away from the recent conversation and I could tell Seth was too.

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