Chapter 43: A Memorable Picture

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Witches turned their heads as soon as they entered the gates of Luna Nova. It wasn't long before the Headmistress found them.

"Welcome to our Samhain Festival, Baroness Wedinburg, Lady Cavendish." Headmistress Narvae bowed slightly toward Diana and Akko. "I heard that it's been quite busy, so I'm glad that you're able to attend."

"It still is," replied Diana. "My staff urged me to go. They volunteered to take on some of my lesser tasks."

"If there's work to be done, perhaps some interns may help?"

"There are opportunities. Send recommendations to Deputy England."

"Excellent. Please enjoy the festival." Narvae walked to another prominent witch.

When Narvae was out of sight, Chariot approached them discreetly and whispered, "I apologize, Diana. I gave hints that she shouldn't talk business during the festival." Through her diligence and hard work, Chariot was promoted to Assistant Headmistress. Narvae indicated that she would retire in a year or two and recommended that Chariot become the next Headmistress.

"It's all right. She didn't take too long." After graduation, Diana went to college to study political science. Upon completing her degree, she claimed the title of Baroness Wedinburg and duties in the Chamber of Lords. As the only witch in the Chamber, she represented the magic community when a new law was proposed.

When the Chamber was not in session, she worked as Special Investigator at the Investigations Office. Since magic was rising across the world, there were more incidents related to magic, some accidental, some not. Normal law enforcement were ill equipped to handle such incidents, so trained witches from the Investigations Office were sent to investigate. Years later, she was appointed as Director of the Department of Magical Affairs.

"Any suggestions for food?" asked Akko.

Chariot laughed. "Your appetite still amazes me. There are some outstanding culinary students. Follow me."

Together with Chariot, they tried various pastries and desserts. The bread pudding melted like butter in her mouth so Akko had another helping and shared it with their youngest daughter, Shario. Unlike her two older sisters, Bryneth and Daphne, Shario had straight hair. Long bangs covered her left eye. Meanwhile, Diana and Daphne tried several parfait combos.

"Mum! Mummy!" Bryneth quickly walked to their table. "Some supplies were misplaced and I had to help out. Oh... Prof. du Nord... sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Don't worry about me. I'm just another guest." She turned to Akko. "Bryn has worked hard to organize the festival." At her words, Bryn blushed.


"It looks awesome Bryn!" Akko smiled proudly and remembered the moment when Bryn told her that she was festival chair. She looked very much like Diana when she was 16. It only seemed like yesterday when she first held her.


Anna carefully transferred the baby into her arms. Her body trembled as she held her. Anna gestured to a nearby chair. "Perhaps, you ought to sit."

Akko sat down on the bed instead, next to Diana. Ravna, the medic, used spells to clean Diana, change her clothes and help her drink a tonic. Meanwhile, Anna and a maid gathered up soiled linen and equipment.

The baby was sleeping. Not sure what to do, she counted the baby's fingers and toes. All seemed in order. After Ravna left, she blurted out, "I-it's a girl."

Diana smiled tiredly. "Yes..."

"O-our baby..."

Diana touched her arm. "Yes... Have you decided?"

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