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19th September

The next day Pippa woke up right next to Steven feeling the guilt coming over her again. She had to tell Steven at some point that the Baby was probably not his and she cheated on him. But at the same time she loved him so much and didn't want to hurt him with telling him the truth. Either way she had to stand up and get ready for the day as suddenly the nausea hit her again and she went to the bathroom immediately.

Pippa spent the day with Steven, who was talking nonstop so excited about the Baby, meanwhile her thoughts were with Lin. How is he gonna react to the news? Lin was already an amazing father to Sebastian but she thought it'd be different when the child was from a woman he didn't love. Also the Baby would affect his life and marriage, it'd turn everything upside down.

In the afternoon she went to the theatre, just to see everyone gathered on the stage, even though the show wouldn't start in 3 hours. She immediately approached to Renée and Jazzy who greeted her with a hug. "Hey Pips, how are you feeling?" Renée immediately asked a bit worried, since she wasn't sure if it was the best for Pippa to work already again. "I'm good, don't worry the nausea only hit me this morning. I definitely feel ready to perform today." Pippa explained with a slight smile while Jazzy and Renée nodded.

"Anyways what are we doing here? Aren't we supposed to rehearse?" Pippa asked then slightly confused since there was no reason to be on-stage that early. "Lin said he had something to announce, so we're just waiting here for him. Didn't he text you too?" Jazzy said but Pippa just shook her head. At that moment Anthony approached to the ladies.

"Hey Jazzy." He kissed Jasmine on the cheek and then turned to Renée and Phillipa. "Hey Renée and our mother to be." Phillipa couldn't believe what she just heard and turned her head judging to Jasmine. "I might have told him out of excitement but he promised, he won't tell anyone until you tell it everyone." Jasmine defended herself and just hoped Pippa wouldn't be too mad at her.

Of course Pippa wasn't happy that there were now more people in the know since she didn't want to tell someone else about it until she was about 3 months along. "It's fine. Just please don't tell anyone, Anthony." Anthony nodded seriously. "I won't tell anyone but congrats Pippa." He whispered then with a grin on his face. Pippa whispered a "Thank you." back as Lin came with Vanessa onto the stage and everyone gathered around them.

"Hello everyone, I..." He looked over at Vanessa: "We just wanted to tell everyone something real quick, before we'll start with the rehearsals today." Lin started his speech while everyone was listening. After that Lin nodded at Vanessa and she nodded back. "We're expecting our second child!" Lin exclaimed. Right after that everyone cheered and began to congratulate them both. Everyone but Pippa.

As Lin was saying these words her world crushed like nobody elses. She felt like she was in a tunnel and suddenly heard nothing but her heart beating. The world around her turned blurry but somehow she figured out how to leave the stage and to go to her dressing room. She closed the door behind her, sat down on the couch and tried to breath. This can't be happening right now, she just thought to herself. She should keep the secret that there's a high possibility that Lin's the father of her child, to herself. She can't tell Lin anymore, she'd destroy his Family, if Vanessa figured out that he was cheating. What if she left New York, and started a new life somewhere else. But what about Steven? Pippa knew she didn't want to have this child on her own, but she couldn't lie to Steven for the rest of their life's. After minutes of being alone someone knocked on the door. "Yes?" Pippa asked uncertain if she actually wanted to see someone right now.

"Are you alright?" It was Jasmine who now entered the room with a very worried face. "You left so suddenly." "Yes I am. Don't worry... I was just a little dizzy but I'm good." Pippa explained and tried to smile a bit. "You know you don't have to perform tonight, if you don't feel like it. Everyone understands if you take an another day off." But as soon as Jasmine said these words, Pippa shook her head. "No I wanna do the show tonight. I need some distraction right now."

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