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he was so focused of the screen in front of him playing a stupid monster high movie i basically begged to watch, his face lightly glowed in the reflection of the tv. he was  gorgeous he had tattoos going up his arms and an X on the back of his neck,
the room was cold, and i couldn't tell if that was his presence or just the temperature but i knew for a fact i was near enough freezing cold. i would every now and then let out that cold spasm you do when you're cold, and he seemed to notice he picked up the blanket off the couch beside him and motioned me to come closer to him and i did as i was told, i snuggled up by him as he pulled the blanket over the two of us and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"thank you" i whispered to him. in return he smiled at me slightly and continued to watch the movie every now and then fiddling with a strand of hair between his fingers.
playing with my hair always made me sleepy and i read the time off the clock in the corner of the room, it read 5:53am. after seeing that i felt my eyes close even faster. i drifted off into a slumber that was so comfortable. one i had never experienced before.

"they look so cute"
"he looks kind of happy? but he's asleep so i don't know how it works"
"neither do i, but i agree"
i slightly opened my eyes to see kat and sam gawking down at us i didn't open my eyes fully hoping they would think i'd never wake up and piss off.

"lets leave them he barely ever sleeps and now he is"

those words sent a feeling of sadness yet happiness through my body, the poor boy couldn't sleep rarely but as soon as he sat on the couch with me he fell asleep. when sam and kat disappeared i went to get up.
"don't leave" he said in a raspy voice pulling me back on to him. i didn't argue i laid beside him fully awake just not wanting him to sleep, he looked to peaceful to just be awoken like that and that made me happy.

i could already seeing us becoming best friends in a matter of seconds.

after around 30 minutes he woke up lightly his eye lids blinking at the new found sunlight popping through the window at us.

"morning sleepy head" i spoke softly staring up at him smiling.

"morning" he smoke raspily.
i stood up going over to get a glass of water
"energy drinks fridge get two please" he spoke rubbing his eyes, i pulled out two freezing cold pipeline punch monster cans passing one over to him and opening it gulping the cold drink , he did the same.
"how'd you sleep" i asked leant over the kitchen side.
"better than ever to be honest" he spoke standing up "other than i slept in jeans" he groaned after.
i giggled at him.

"do you need a spare change of clothes i don't have much but i have shorts hoodies and t shirts?".
i looked at him about to decline his offer then looking down at myself, the crop top was uncomfortable especially after sleeping in it.
"yes please" he ushered me upstairs and i followed him into his room
i took a pair of grey shorts and a black hoodie i came out the bathroom also in his nike socks i took those two.
"jesus christ" he lightly chuckled.
"what?" i asked knowing exactly what he was laughing about. the hoodie near enough went to my knees and swallowed me up.
"you look tiny" he laughed at me.

"shut up" i said softly twirling.

"bravo bravo" he said clapping making me giggle at him.
a knock was heard at his bedroom door.

and in walked in sam, he stared over at me confused and then at colby who was still smiling from before, sams face somewhat lit up at the sight of his friend smiling.

"you get to bed alright" he asked colby acting like he didn't sit downstairs and gossip about us cuddling earlier.

"didnt get up to bed but slept good for once" colby said raising his hands into the hair.

"breakfast in ten courtesy of kat and her pancakes" sam walked out the room.

"colby come on let's get pancakes hers are so good i promise" i said pulling his hand.
he immediately connected his hand between mine and followed me somewhat reluctantly but not at the same time down the stairs.

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