morning pancakes.

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i woke up to the sound of the bliss rain slowly hitting up against my window, i laid on my bedsheets for a moment staring out of the window slowly drifting off into my slumber. what a peaceful moment and a peaceful feeling.
   that thought was quickly washed away by the sound of excessive rap music coming from downstairs. i groaned excessively loud knowing now there was no return back to my lovely sleep. so i got up and brushed my teeth and went downstairs to see kat, my best friend since we were younger and my brand new roommate, "morning babyyyy" she screeched pushing a plate of pancakes in my direction.
i smiled gratefully grabbing a drink of water first to wash down that toothpaste taste that ruins whatever you eat or drink for the next 15 minutes. " what's got you in such a happy mood" i asked taking a chunk of pancake. "these great by the way" i said with a mouthful barely sounding english.
"number one thanks" she started to smile wider "i met a guyyy"
"no you did not" i widely smiled at her, she had been single for so long not bothered about anyone other than herself really so seeing her push out of her bubble was great for me to witness.
"mhm his name is sam" her eyes glowed at the sound of his name "he has the prettiest blonde hair and how he speaks is so lovely he's so lovely"
"where'd you meet?" i asked still eating the breakfast.
she explained to me the long story of the boy who was pretty famous but was humble. they met at a near by coffee shop where she worked little did i know he'd been coming to see her for the week and he finally gave over his number. she was ecstatic.

he offered her to a little get together at his home , and she really wanted me to come i was reluctant at first and then i remembered this is her chance to be happy. and that's all i really want. couldn't care less if they move away and have kids. if she's happy. i'm happy.

i went upstairs and sat on my computer for around two hours staring at the rain, it was a shock to see in los angeles so that's why i admired it flowing down my window, it was a pretty site and reminded me of home.
a gloomy place filled with rain and over the top hot summers. i must say i do love it more here. it was kind of a random choice i genuinely woke up one morning and went. LA looks nice and Kat agreed we worked so much and hopped over here, and so far everything has been so much better. other than i keep calling people "bruv" and they think i'm calling them a brother of mine but it's fine.

"are you ready we need to leave in 20" i heard her yell up.
i kid you not my relax smile made my face drop and eyes open as wide as possible.
"umm yeah one minute"
"for god sake stop watching the rain and get dressed"

she could read me like a book.

i did a soft makeup look and left my hair down slightly waved as i slept with it wet last night, i wore a pair of black flare leggings with a cropped t shirt and a fluffy jacket i got from H&M before i left the UK.

me and kat had some infamous car waffle, her talk was about sam and mine was about how happy i was for her being so happy.

we pulled up to the house and i knew what famous youtuber home looks like when i see it and this was 100 percent this house.

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