Chapter Four

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Kelly Pov

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Kelly Pov

The next day was the night of the full moon which means I will be chain up down in the basement. I have not fully found control over my shif and I haven't found my anchor so it's kind of a struggle for me. I sat in class waiting for the bell to ring while I was sat there I feel a pair of eyes looking at me, I turn my head to see Peter looking at me as I raise a brow while Peter look away.

Peter doesn't know when to quit does he? Once I heard the bell rang I grabe my bag and quickly leg it out of class. Thank god it was last lesson so I can head home to were mom can help me with my shift.

"Hey Kelly" Laura said walking up to me with a smile.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good just telling you it's the full moon tonight so becareful" Laura asked seems like she's worried about me if I run into any hunters around here.

"Oh I will, talk to you later" I said as I when to my locker to get my stuff then I walked out the school and got in my car driving home. I better perpare myself tonight, knowing me I might end up killing someone or someone get hurt or myself.

Time Skip

I walked through my front door and dropped my bag down making my way into the kitchen where mom stood looking at the paper.

"Hey mom" I said poping myself down on the kitchen seat.

"Hey hon, how was school?" Mom asked me looking up at me.

"It was fine same as usual" I said as I grabe a frie and throw it into my mouth.

"Are you okay about tonight?" Mom asked seem worried about me while I sight.

"Honestly I'm not sure" I said as mom took my hnd squeezing it as I looked down with a sad smile. 

A hour when by as I finish of my homework for science and now I have to go down to the basement and get chain up while I try and stay human. Mom and I are now down at the basement while my eyes are glowing a blue colour as I have fangs out and claws showing.

"Kelly find your anchor! A felling! A person! Something!" Mom shout trying to hold me back but my body wouldn't take it.

I broke the chains which send my mom flying over the gate which she fell on the floor. I ran out my home and shift into my white wolf running in the woods.

Peter Pov

My reckless nephew of mine just ran out off the house which made me have to run out after him to find. He doesn't have full control over he's shift so knowing him he might hurt himself. While I'm searching for Derek my thoughts when to the werewolf girl who currently keeps smashing my head against something, she is one strong werewolf I ever meet before and I'm starting to like her even if she annoying me sometimes, I just can't take my eyes off her.

I turn around as I heard a noice as I did I saw a beautiful white wolf with blue eyes that I never seen before while the wolf look at me it charge but I didn't have time to defend myself as it turn to human but not fully human still have blue eyes flashing at me as I notice her blonde hair was Kelly.

"Kelly control!" I said as she was on top of me I try to help her. She seems she needs to find a anchor, someone.

"Kelly, focuse on the people you love, the people you care about!" I said as she grow her fangs at me soon they when away as she turn her face in a innocent smile.

"Hi again" She said I guess she found away to control her shift as I look at her with a sight.

"We need to stop meeting like this" Kelly said getting off me and helping me up thats when I realise that Kelly was naked. I send her a smirk as I saw her look down and look back and have wide eyes open and sight.

"Take my hoddie" I said handing her my hoddie as she took it and put it on.

"What are you doing out here in on a full moon stalker Hale?" She asked as I grone when she called me that but I kind of like it.

"Looking for nephew he's having a trouble on he's full moon" I explain as she nodde, this women is taking my soul away with her beauty.

"I better get home but you should check nouth" She said as I nod I would go anywhere where she wants me to go but I eally want to walk her home.

"See you aroud stalker Hale" She said again my heart skip a beat on what she called me.

Kelly Pov

Once I walked away from Peter and made it home my mother hugged me thight after I thrown her across the room, I can't belive Peter helped me with my shift but more importantly I found my anchor that can keep me human. Peter is my anchor only I could of here was he's voice and he's only.

I when and slept that morning but I think Peter doesn't know what I am I am a werewolf but I'm not really one, he might question it when we meet again. But it seems as I can't get him out of my head, am I going crazy or what?

Author Note:

Chapter 4 is out!

Peter helped Kelly out!

Peter is Kelly's anchor!

Is Kelly going crazy?

What does Peter feel towards Kelly?

What will happen to them?

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