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 a crazy dream. 

written by kuriikun

after becoming a famous boyband's photographer, you squeal in excitement as soon you run back to keqing. "I got it! keqing!" she gasps in surprise and clings onto you like a magnet. "I'm so excited for you! we have to share the news with your parents." as she drags you into the car, a big smile forms on her face and her pride greatly shone. 

"I'm so happy for you. I'm also really glad you listened to me, too." keqing says. "thanks..." you said with a blushing face. "now don't mind me... *yawn* I'm going to sleep."

"mhm. sure." 

as you softly close your eyes, the world surrounding you turned black as you slowly fell asleep. with your eyes shut, you fall into a deep sleep along with a crazy dream.

have some imagination skills! - kuriikun

info - lumine is you. (i have no idea if i put this in order or not.)

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with a white flash, your e/c eyes pop wide open

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with a white flash, your e/c eyes pop wide open. you gasp for air as you see keqing worriedly staring at you. "what happened?..." she says awkwardly. a bright pink tint quickly rushed into your cheeks, making your face feel and look like a boiling pot of tea. "i-i..." you stutter. "never mind..."  keqing rolls her eyes and puts her eyes back on the road.

why did you dream of this? you and xiao... it's awfully hard to admit you may have a tiny crush on him. but you can't be for certain. it's way too early! you take a deep breath and sit quietly in the back of keqing's car for the rest of the ride. 

when you reach your house, keqing waves goodbye as her clean car slowly drives away into the distance. the cold, midnight wind would wash the air like the ocean's waves. the crickets chirped and the moths would flee around the lampposts. 

as you unlock the door, you see your mom and dad smiling at you. "hi. where have you been?" your mom pats your back. "at teyvat inc...." your dad gasps. his mouth drops open dramatically. "what?! don't tell me- you wanted to become a popstar! wait no, no..." as your dad rambles random words out, your mom cuddles you close and questions you.

"what were you doing there?" she asked happily.

"I was trying to become 4NEMO's photographer," you said with an awkward face. "and I got the job." your mom laughs with pride. "really? you seem so sad! put that mouth upside down. I'm so proud of you..." 

your dad clenches his fists and knuckles your head softly. "I'm so proud of you!" 

"thanks... I'm tired now. goodnight."


you climb up the stairs to your room and flop onto your bed. as your heart rapidly beats, blood rushed into your cheeks. you imagine your dream and you can softly feel xiao's soft, pale hands coming in contact with yours.

"why am I thinking about him.. i can't allow this to come through my career."

you slapped your pillow onto your face and felt the cold wind brush your skin gently. the swirling hurricane of thoughts slowly dissolved into a calm, empty space where nothing was interrupted. just before you know it, the world is asleep.


hi one more time?

a real smile • . . . xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now