summer fight

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The warm summer air blared through out Hawkins, the community pool over filling with people trying to cool off.

People who couldn't get in the pool, were either inside cooling off with air conditioning, or in the starcourt mall getting ice cream from scoops.

Lucas, Mike, and will sat in Mike's basement. Will wearing his 'will the wise' outfit. Music blared through the room. Quietly, as will looked at his friends with a smug look.

".. what's that sound? It sounds like thunder.." will paused "but no! It's not thunder! Its.." he looked at both of them, ready to pull out the tiny figures. "A hoard of juju zombies!" He eagerly looked at his friend infront of him. "Sir Mike, your action."

Mike sighed and looked over at Lucas. A frown on his face. "What should I do?" He asked, boredom following his voice.

"..attack?" Lucas replied.

"Okay.." Mike started. "I attack with my flail." He rolled the dice, not caring what he got. He didn't get the right number, he missed.

"Whoosh!" Will hushed, "you miss." He smiles. "Your flail clanks the stone, the zombie horde lumbers towards you, and.." he rolled the dice. "The juju bites your arm. Flesh tears! Agh!" He breathed in. "Seven points of damage."

"Oh.. no.. my arm!" Mike says sarcastically. "Lucas look at my arm!..." they both snickered.

Will sits back down, for a split second you could see the look of disappointment on his face. His friends weren't taking this seriously as much as he would like. He turns to Lucas.

"Sir Lucas, the zombie horde roars! Do you fight back, or do you run?"

Lucas put his finger up, as if he was about to say something. But before he could, the phone rang. Making both Lucas and Mike jump to their feet. Not without will telling them not to, of course.

Will stands disappointed, again.

"Telemarketers." Mike sighs, yearing for it to be his ex, El.

"We should just call them" Lucas says.

"We can do that?" Mike questioned.

"I think so."

"Yeah, but what would we say?—"

"We'll say nothing!" Will interrupted Mike. Slamming his fake staff on the ground. "The khuisar tribe needs your help."

"All right then." Mike sighs once again. "I'll use my torch to set fire to the chambers, sacrificing ourselves. Killing the juju, and saving the khuisar. We all live on as heros in the memories of the kalamar."

"Victory." Lucas says, not excited at all. Giving Mike a high-five.

"Okay. Fine." Will puts his staff down and yanks off his hat. "You guys win." He turned off the music. "Congratulations."

Mike didn't want will to be upset, he wanted to see El, and he wanted the game to be over. He just didn't want to hurt his friends feelings.

"Will..I was just messing around." He says, hoping his friend wouldn't be too hurt.

Will ignored him.

Mike walked over to him. "Hey, let's finish for real. How much longer is the campaign?"

"Just forget it mike." Will muttered.

"No, you want to keep playing, right?" He looked over at Lucas, hoping he would agree.

"Y-Yeah, totally." Lucas stammered.

"We'll just call the girls afterwards—"

"I said forget it mike, okay?!" Will yelled this time. "I'm going home." His voice broke at the end.


"Come on will—"

"Move!" He screamed, pushing Lucas away.

Mike hurriedly followed his friend out. "Will come on. You can't leave, it's raining." He paused. "Listen, I said I was sorry okay? It's a cool campaign. It's really cool. We're just.." he paused "Not in the mood right now."

Will turned around angrily. "Yeah, that's the problem Mike. You're never in the mood. And it's not them, it's you." He cried. "You're always leaving with eleven, acting like if you leave her side she'll go away again." He sighed, tears leaving his eyes.

"I do not! I can't believe you right now!"

"Don't even tell me it's not true Micheal. Every bad thing that happens to her, or if she's late to something, you'll get all freaked out. Acting like she's gone again." He wiped his face. "You say you don't wanna lose her again Mike. I understand. Trust me I do. But what about me?" He choked out.

"What do you mean." Mike huffed, putting his hands on his hips.

"You never say those things about me. You never say how your scared that I'll be gone again. Scared that I'll be dead. You never had said that. Never. You've known eleven less then I've known you. It hurts." He looked down, a bit embarrassed he was admitting he felt this way. But it was true. "You don't care about anybody else in the party."

Mike didn't want to admit it to will, but he has been scared. Sometimes, when will is late to school, or a sleepover, he gets all freaky too. Sometimes even more than he does with El. He doesn't want to lose his best friend, he just can't admit it. He doesn't need to seem like a baby right now. Even though it's what will wants him to admit.

"I- will. I do care. It's just that el is my girlfriend. It's different! You wouldn't understand." He sighed.

"How is it different. You were saying that before you guys got together." Will pulled his bike up.

"I said you wouldn't understand, I'm not explaining. It's not my fault you don't like girls!"

Will looked at him, we was humiliated, angry, and sad. He felt like sobbing and screaming. It's not helping that the only person that would help him in this situation, is what is making him feel this way. He shook his head as he started to get on his bike.

"Will, don't leave. I-" Mike stopped.

"I what? See. You can't even Apologize right. I don't even know why I'm friends with you." He sniffed. "I just, I wish everything could go back to normal. I missed the days where you were actually nice mike." Will hopped on his bike, and started riding away.

"Will! WILL!" Mike yelled, running after him.

Will ran as fast as he could to the woods. If Mike ran after him, the first place he would look is his house. He wants some time to cry, and wallow in self pity.

Once he arrived he collapsed in the castle, tears streaming down his face. He looked up at all the photos of him and his friends. All he could look at was Mike. Him and his stupid smug face. His stupid black hair, one of wills favorite part about him. He cried. Yanking the photos off of the table and ripping them to shreds.

"It's bullshit!" He cried. "They aren't my friends. They never were. We're just all drifting apart. It's all Mike's fault!" He screamed. Grabbing the bat from beside of the mattress, running outside with it.

"I hate this!" He cried, hitting castle byers with the bat over, over, and over again. His face was puffy, and red. He threw the bat on the ground as he looked at the castle in shambles. He cried.

He got up, and started running back towards his house. The soaked leafs crunched softly beneath him.

He opened the back door to his house and walked through. Kicking his shoes off. "Fuck them. Fuck him. I Hate him." He wiped his face and rushed into his room.


Angst at its finest, have a good day!!

— Lee

Byler Oneshots <3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें