You're Hot

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The winking at you in class was harmless, but annoying. You could still recall his shameless 'Gooood morningggg~~~'s the other day, though the silent treatment worked efficiently.

It was the dedication of 'shooting his shots' in gym class that really stole your last straw.

Just as Ni-Ki passed him the ball, he made sure to pause everything, and everyone to say the five words you so wanted to run up to him and choke him to death. "This one's for you, Y/n." He yelled happily, before shooting the ball perfectly into the hoop.

Your eyes almost bulged out as everyone not only gawked at you, but you could feel embarrassment creeping up your cheeks—and YOU NEVER FEEL EMBARASSED.

"How do you feel?" Rei nudged you teasingly, her smile became even wider until it eventually turned into a laughing fit when she saw your face.

"I think I'm going to throw up." You retorted, pretending to put a hand to your stomach dramatically. You stared back at the boy, his grin was cheeky, which only made you roll your eyes even harder.

Safe to say, you transferred out of that gym class the next day—into French class, and you don't even like French.

You wish it was all a lie, perhaps a prank, you didn't care, as long as it was all a simulation. Because you couldn't bring yourself to believe this any further.

For the nth time this month, Jungwon's flirting increased drastically-excrutiatingly-uncontrollable. He opened doors for you, he would pop out of nowhere and flash you the widest smile. One of the worst ones yet, was when he would tap on your right shoulder, only to appear on your left, and shower you with finger hearts—he even went as far as blowing you a kiss.

It wasn't until Friday when Rei managed to convince you to go to a 'small' party with her (spoiler alert, it wasn't a small party). It was exactly two days before the midterm, so you were really hesitant to even go anywhere. You used to like parties, back when your old friend didn't move away, but you stopped going completely once Jungwon started attending them too.

Upon entering, you already knew what was to be expected, and seeing Jungwon there was one of them. He was socializing with some girls, his hand smugly shoved in his pocket while the other was running through his hair ever so often.

Though, you were more focused on the boy that stood strikingly next to him. Out of all of them, you liked Jay the most—or specifically, you respected him the most. Your parents and his were close friends, so seeing his face at dinner parties was more usual than not. His smile was charming, like when the corner of his lips would curve mesmerizingly, you liked that he was collected, bold, but not showy, nor did he try to shove his personality down everyone's throat.

"Why is...Yang Jungwon looking straight at you?" You were too distracted staring at the boy beside him that Rei's words completely gave you a heart scare as you caught a small eye contact with him. His eyes shot lazers at you, even as he lifted a cup to his lips, he still kept his gaze onto you.

"Oh god." You mumbled, promptly turning away. You grabbed onto Rei's arm, wanting to pull her to another area.

"Wait, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, he's just annoying—"

"Well he's coming over here." Her head turned to look behind you both, and an unamused Jungwon was making his way to you.

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